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发布时间:2011-11-28 10:26:42来源:查字典-中考网













【考例】 Dont talk to Simon like that. He is only _________eleven-year-old boy. [南京市]

A. a B. an C. the D. 不填

[答案]B。[解析] 考查不定冠词an的用法,an用在元音音素的前面,a用在辅音因素的前面。

11.The new D-type trains can run at speeds(速度)of 200 to 250 kilometres ______hour. The trip from Shanghai to Beijing only takes 10 hours now. [哈尔滨市]

A. a B. an C. the

[答案]B。[解析] 考查冠词用法。hour第一个音素为元音音素,故前不能加a。

12.Its _____________easy job. I think you can do it by yourself. [吉林省]

A. a B. an C. the D. /

[答案]B。[解析] 考查a,an和the:a/an表泛指,a用于辅音音素前,an用于元音音素前,the表特指。job是可数名词,从上下句意看,这是一项简单的工作,,可排除C、D,easy以元音音素开头,故选B。


【考例】Harry Potter Ⅲ is _____________interesting story and we a11 like it.[北京市]

A a B an C the D.不填

[答案]B。[解析] 由句意可知,这里story表泛指。表示一,而且interesting开头第一个音素为元音音素,所以填an。

--Do you know Taiwan,Jenny?

一Yes,of course.Taiwan is ____island.It belongs to China.[福州市]

A. a B an C the D.不填


--Why did you laugh just now?

--Ted wanted to tell us _________very funny story, but he forgot end himself. [河南省]

A. a; an B. the; the C. the; a the

[答案]D。[解析]不定冠词和定冠词用法。 第一个空填a,泛指一个故事,第二个空用the,特指这个或那个故事。



【考例】He is ________university student and he comes from __________island in England. [广东省]

A. an; an B. an; a an D. a; a




【考例】Do you know _____ university student who is talking with Joe?

Yes, shes my cousin, Kate. (年四川成都)

A. a B. an C. the D. /



【考例】____was invented by Chinese Cultures ago.[ 黄冈]

A.The telephone B.The car C.The clock D.The abacus



【考例】Which floor does Mr. Hu live on?

一He lives on ____floor.[浙江]

A.tenth B.the tenth C.ten D.the ten

答案:B解析:考查序数词的用法。第十层用the tenth floor表示,序数词前要加定冠词the。故选B。




【考例】Everyone knows that ____Great Wall of China is very famous.[沈阳市]

A. a B an C the D.不填



1.抽象化的具体名词前使用零冠词。有些可数名词在一些习语中出现了抽象化的现象,变成了不可数名词,这时名词前面使用零冠词。如go to school/church/hospital...;by plane/bike/ship/train/bus;by hand/letter...等。

【考例】一Will you get there by ____train?

一No,I11 take ____taxi.

A./;a B.a;the C./;/ D.the:a

6.答案:A解析:此题考查冠词的用法。by train乘火车,不加任何冠词;take a taxi乘出租车,加冠词a。



3.用作宾语、补语、同位语表示独一无二的职位、头衔的名词前通常用零冠词。常见的名词有:president,chairman, mayor,head,secretary.monitor,等等。例如:

In 1860,Abraham Lincoln was elected president of the United States.





【考例】In our city, ___ middle school students want to work as a teacher in the future. [年重庆]

A. thousand B. thousand of C. thousands of D. two thousand of

?【解析】? 答案为C。thousands of表约数概念,此时,不能和具体数字连用。

The road is over _____ metres long.[年济南]

A.six hundred and fifty-two B six hundreds and fifty-two

C.six hundred,fifty-two D.six hundred,fifty and two


2. In our city, middle school students want to work as a teacher in the future.[年重庆]

A.thousand B thousand of C thousands of D.two thousand of

[答案]C。[解析] 考查数词的用法。thousands of是一个词组,意为成千上万的,表示一个大概的数量,注意这时thousand用复数,且前面不能加明确的数字。


【考例】We are sure the______0lympic Games in Beijing next Year will be one of __games in history.[07 连云港]

A twenty-nine more successful B twenty-ninth;more successful

C twenty-ninth;the most successful D. twenty-nine; the most successful


Qinghai-Tibet Railway(青藏铁路)was completed last year.

It is the ___railway that connects Tibet with the 0ther parts of China.[盐城]

A.first B secondC third D.fourth

[答案]A。[解析] 本题考查序数的用法。句意为:青藏铁路是第一条将西藏与其他地区连接起来的铁路干线。

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, _____book of the series(系列),will be for sale on July 21,.[ 湖南怀化]

A.seventh B.the seventh C.seven



【考例】About __of the students in our school are hoys.[常德]

A.third fifths B three fifths C.three fifth

[答案]B。[解析] 在英语中表示分数的方式为序数词+基数词,如果分子大于1,则分母用复数形式。







First of all, dont come in here without a teacher.首先,没有老师不要进入这儿。

Einstein wanted to be a physicist when he was fourteen years old.爱因斯坦14岁就想当物理学家。


I think it difficult to master a foreign language.我认为掌握一门外语很难。

A Mr Johnson phoned and left a message for you.有一位杰克逊先生给你打过电话,并给你留下口信。


My father is a college teacher.我父亲是一名大学教师。



Rome was not built in a day.(prov.)罗马不是一天建成的。[谚语]

Hell be back in an hour. 他在一小时后回来。


a pair of(一双,副); a lot of(许多);a dozen(一打);a thousand(一千);a great deal of(大量)a number of (许多) 。


They can sell their beef at a high price in the capital.他们在首都以高价出售他们的牛肉。

The doctor told him to take this medicine three times a day.医生叫他每天吃三次这药。



The ship sank on a stormy night.船在一个暴风雨的夜晚沉没的。

He had worked in a small factory in Beijing.他在北京的一家小厂里工作。

(2)用在quite,rather,many(more than), half, what, such等词之后。例如:

I had never seen such a good match.我从未看过这么激烈的比赛。

Many a person believes the story.许多人相信这个故事。

Theyre rather a strong team, arent they?他们是一支强队,对吗?


It was so good a film that we all wanted to see it again.这部电影如此之好,我们都想再看一次。

Its too difficult a book for me.这本书对我来说太难了。

(4)表示同一,相同这时一般都与作表语的 of 结构连用。例如:

Birds of a feather flock together.(prov.)物以类聚。[谚语]

Your shoes and mine are of a size.你的鞋和我的是同样的尺码。

(5)用于某些物质名词coffee, food, tea, fog, rain, snow, wind等不可数名词前,表示一阵、一番、一场、一种、一份、一件的事情等意义,常用形容词修饰时,前面要加不定冠词。例如:

Longjing is a famous Chinese green tea.龙井是一种着名的中国绿茶。

A heavy rain prevented them from going out.一场大雨阻止了他们外出。

6)一些表示情感的不可数名词,如feeling, honour, joy, pity, pleasure, surprise等,在表示一种心理情感时(前面多有一个描绘性的形容词),需要加不定冠词。

Its a pleasure to talk with you.和你谈话是一件愉快的事。

Its a pity you cant swim.真可惜你不会游泳。

7)不可数名词danger, difficulty,disappointment,failure, help,success,wonder等在表示一种人或物时,前面应加不定冠词。如:

He is a danger man.他是一个危险的人。

He is a success.他是一个成功者。

8)不可数名词education, history, knowledge, population, time,world等,在表述其部分或某一方面的内容、概念时,前面常加不定冠词(have a history/knowledge/population of.......可看作为固定搭配)。

9)具有动作意义的抽象名词在与动词have,take,make,give,let out等构成短语表示 一种短暂性的动作时,此抽象名词前的冠词一般不可缺少。例如:take a look/walk/swim/rest/bath; make a promise/dive for; have a look/walk/swim/rest/test/try/bath/break; give a laugh/ smile/shout/talk/whistle; let out a cry/ scream。.例如:

We had a very good journey home.我们回家得旅行很顺利。

10)在同源宾语中,与动词同源的名词前一般要加不定冠词如:die a......death; dream a.......dream; fight a...battle; have a....sleep; have/lead/live a ...life; smile a...smile.

Many farmers in the west continue to lead a simple life.西部的许多家庭继续过着简朴的生活。



a moment ago; after a while/minute/moment; for a time; half an hour; in a while/minute/moment; in an instant; just a minute; once a while; once upon a time; three meals a day; twice a week; all of a sudden; as a result; as a rule; as a matter of fact; in a......way; in a hurry; in a loud voice; in a word; with a .......hand; with a smile;


catch (a) cold; do a good deed; get a cold; get in a word; give a concert/lesson; go out for a walk; have a cold/cough/fever/ pain/ headache /have a good time; have a match/meeting; have a size;make a face/living/mistake/noise/speech/start; make an effort/apology; make a study of; make it a rule; pay a visit; take a seat; take /leave/make a message; take an interest in; take an active part in; keep an eye on; lend a hand; go for a skiing; give a fine welcome;


定冠词the是 this / these,that / those的弱式,无人称数和性的变化,它的用法可分为特指、类指和其它三种。


The cleverer of the two boys is my youngest brother.这两个男孩中较聪明的那个是我弟弟。

What is the title of the book? 书名是什么?

Do you think of the film? 你认为这部电影怎么样?

2)表示世界上独一无二的事物的名词前要用定冠词;也用于指自然现象或表示方位的名词前;如:the wind, the night, the south, the east, the left/right;

The earth moves around the sun.地球围绕着太阳转。


It was a dismal winter night. A pale moon hung low in the sky.这是一个暗郁的冬夜,苍白的月亮挂在天边。

Day broke and brilliant sun lit up the room.天亮了,灿烂的阳光照亮了房间。


The horse is a useful animal.

(Horse are useful animals.

A horse is a useful animal)

以上三句语法形成都对,但所表达的意义有差别。定冠词 + 单数可数名词,表示这个类属总的特点;定冠词 + 复数名词,表示这个类属中都具有本类属特点;不定冠词 +单数可数名词,着重表达这一类属中的任何一个都具有本类的特点。


the Peoples Republic of China中华人民共和国,the Communist Party of China中国共产党,the National Peoples Congress.全国人民代表大会

The UN stands for the United Nations. UN代表联合国

The USA stands for the United States of America. USA代表美利坚和众国

5)在乐器的名称前,常用定冠词;在表示文娱、艺术活动的名词前,也须用定冠词, 如:go to the cinema/the theatre/the concert/the movies

She likes playing the piano.她喜欢弹钢琴。

The Red Rose are giving a performance at the Peoples Theatre.红玫瑰将在人民剧院上演。


The Smiths were having supper when I got there.我到那儿时,史密斯一家正在吃晚饭。

[注意:]姓氏所有格(使用时常常不出现被修饰的名词)表达的意思 。例如:

Ive got a job as a salesman at the Taylors(shop).我在裁缝店找到了一份工作。

They are going to stay at the Wilsons (house) for the weekend.我们将在威尔逊家度过周末。

7)由短语或定语从句修饰的名词前要用定冠词;序数词、形容词的最高级和在only, last等修饰某一名词时,常用定冠词,但表达分数的序数词前不加定冠词。例如:

This is the second letter that I received from my younger sister this month.这是我这个月收到的我妹妹的


Gone with the Wind is one of the best films that I have ever seen.《乱世佳人》是我所看过的最好的影片之一。



The sooner, the better.越快越好。

The more you listen to English, the easier it becomes.英语你听得越多,它就变得越容易。

He worked the harder, because he had been encouraged.他因受到了鼓励,工作越发努力了。


the young年轻人/the new新事物/ the living活着的人/ the rich 富人/the beautiful and the ugly美与丑

10)在某些表示山脉、群岛、河流、海洋、报纸、杂志、大建筑物、朝代、时代、等专有名词前,要用定冠词。如:the Changjiang(长江), the Atlantic(大西洋), the Times(泰晤士周刊), the Great Hall of the People(人民大会堂), The Warring States Period(春秋战国), The Great Wall(长城)。the Yellow River(黄河)the English Channel( 英吉利海峡)

11)用于in +逢十的复数数词中的复数名词之前常加定冠词,指世纪中的几十年代。例如:

The story of The Gold Rush happened in the 1850s。淘金热故事发生于19世纪50年代。


1.在一般的物质名词、抽象名词或复数名词表示笼统概念时,一般不用定冠词;容易用错的这类零冠词名词有:fun,music,nature,poverty,progress,society,weather;有些名词不能与a(an)一起使用,但在特指时可以根据情况与the一起使用。这类名词有:advice,beauty, experience,homework,housework,work,information,new,practice,room(空间),research。例如:

He is fond of music.(一般)他喜欢音乐。

Do you like the music of the film?(特指)你喜欢这部电影的音乐吗?

2.学科、球类运动、棋类、或游戏名词前不用冠词。例如:play football/basketball/tennis/chess/bridge..

Are you going to play basketball or football?你们是打篮球还是踢足球?


Trees turn green in spring.春天树变绿了。

We often go skating in the winter.我们经常在冬季滑冰。(说话人把季节看成一年的某一部分。)

New years Day 新年;National Day 国庆节; May Day 五一节

We had a terrible hot summer this year.今年我们过了一个炎热的夏天。(季节名词前有描绘性形容词修饰时,也可加不定冠词。)


We had a good dinner at Mr.Zhangs yesterday evening. 昨天晚上我们在张先生家吃了一顿丰盛的晚餐。

How did you like the dinner Mr..Jack gave us?你认为杰克先生给我们吃的晚餐怎么样?

5.可数名词前已有物主代词、指示代词、不定代词、名词所有格及a kind of, a sort of, a type of, a piece of等修饰时不用冠词。

Give me that pencil, please.请给我那支铅笔。

This is my book.这是我的书。

I can never get used to this kind of life.我永远习惯不了这种生活。


1860, Abraham Lincoln became President of the United States.1860年亚伯拉罕林肯当选为美国总统。

We all elect Engineer Wang director of our factory. 我们都选王工程师为我们工厂的厂长。

He is head of the English Department.他是英语系主任。

6)描述交通方式时,不用冠词。如:by train(air, bus, boat, sea, bike)例如:

My house is about twenty minutes by bike.骑自行车到我家大概得20分钟。

Im going to Guangzhou by plane.我将乘飞机去广州。

7)在部分习语中catch fire, give way, take place, lose heat, at home, by chance, in/on time, catch sight of, make use of, take part in, catch hold of, on foot.

四、 专有名词前冠词的用法




Engels恩格斯Karl Marx卡尔马克思,Mao Zedong毛泽东,Tom汤姆,Alice爱丽斯


The girl must be the Miss Green you have referred to in your letter.这姑娘肯定是你信中所提到的格林小姐。


The little boy was moved deeply at the story of Laining and wished to be a Laining .这小男孩深深被赖宁的事迹打动,他希望成为赖宁式人物。

Old China is gone, a new China has been founded.旧中国一去不复返了,一个新中国诞生了。


Peter, a Mr. Brown is asking for you.彼得,一位布朗先生找你。

A Miss Zhao had called you in the morning, Mum.妈妈,一位赵小姐早上给你打电话。

5)在姓氏复数名词前,表示夫妇或一家人时, 要用冠词。例如:

The Whites live in a small town near New York怀特一家住在纽约附近的一个小镇上。.



China中国, Asia亚洲, Shanghai上海, Hong Kong香港, New York.纽约


the Peoples Republic of China, 中华人民共和国,the United States of American美利坚和众国 the United Kingdom联合王国


the Yellow River黄河, the Suez Canal 苏伊士运河,the Alps阿尔卑斯山, the Tianshan Mountains天山 The English Channel英吉利海峡,the Taiwan Straits台湾海峡

3)街名、广场名词前一般不加冠词 。例如:

Wall Street 华尔街,Nanjing Road 南京路,Tian An Men Square天安门广场, Changan Street.长安街


Today is Thursday, September 10th, Teachers Day.今天是星期四,九月十日,教师节。


The October of 1949 saw the great thing happen in China.1949年10月在中国发生了巨大的事件。


I do not remember the exact date when I came to Beijing, but I am sure it was a Monday.我不记得来到北京的确切日子,但我确定是一个星期一。


New Years Day 新年,National Day 国庆节,May Day 五一节,Childrens Day儿童节


the Tang Dynasty清朝, the Warring States Period 战国时期,the Peoples Daily人民日报 ,the 27the Olympic Games.第二十七届奥运会


the Summer Palace 颐和园,the Beijing Zoo北京动物园, the Titanic泰坦尼克号




an honest boy一个诚实的男孩)an 800-word composition(一篇800字的作文)

a university(一所大学)a European country(一个欧洲国家)


A horse is a useful anima1.马是一种很有甩的动物。

Kate is a student. 凯特是个学生(而不是工人或其他)。


A girl is looking for Lucy.一个女孩在找露茜。

An old cock is sitting under a tall tree.大树下有只老公鸡。


Take this medicine three times a day.这种药每天服三次。

The car is running at a speed of 90 kilometers an hour. 小车正以每小时90公里的速度行驶。


Would you like a second cup of tea? 你想再要一杯茶吗?


He is a success as a singer.作为歌唱家他是成功者。

The party was a failure.这是一次失败的晚会。

7.表示同一,相当于the same。如:

The two boys are of an age.那两个男孩年龄一样大

Cotton of a kind was stored together in a house. 同种棉花被一起贮藏在一间屋子里。


(1)have a swim/walk/talk/dance/look=swim/walk/ talk/dance/look

(2)have a cold,have a good time,keep a diary,in a hurry.once in a while,at a loss(不知所措),for a while,once upon a time,all of a sudden,tell a lie,do sb.a favor,at a distance(隔开一段距离)

(3)what a/such a/quite a/rather a+单数可数名词

too/as/so/how/however + adi+ a+单数可数名词

many a+单数可数名词



The horse is a kind of useful anima1.马是有用的动物。

The telephone was invented by Green Bell.电话是格林贝尔发明的。


I bought a book yesterday.The book is very interesting.昨天我买了一本书。这本书很有趣。

I saw a little girl.The girl is my uncles daughter.我看见一个小女孩。这女孩是我叔叔的女儿。


Give me the book,please.请给我那本书。

Close the window,please.请关上窗户。


the sun太阳the moon 月亮 the shy天空the earth地球


He was the first to speak against slavery.他是第一个发表演说反对奴隶制的。


the United Nations联合国 the Middle Ages中世纪the Qing Dynasty清朝the Himalayas喜马拉雅山

the Pacific太平洋 the Suez Canal苏伊士运河 the United States美国 the Summer Palace啄和园


the east东方the southwest西南the piano/guitar钢琴/吉它


the poor穷人 the rich富人the living活着的人 the young年青人

the sick病人the wounded伤员the beautiful美丽的事物


The Greens live a happy life.格林家过着幸福的生活。


in the 1980s/1980s在二十世纪八十年代

in the middle of the 80s/80s在八十年代中期

比较:in ones eighties在某人八十几岁时



in the morning在早晨 in the end最后 on the whole总之 on the right在右边

the next morning第二天早上 go to the cinema去看电影

all the year round全年 at the same time同时

on the other hand另一方面the other day不久前的某天

in the distance在远处 for the time being暂时

at the moment此刻 in the way挡道

out of the question不可能 by the way顺便说一下


take sb.bv the arm/hand抓住某人的臂/手pat sb.on the shoulder拍某人的肩

strike sb.in the face打某人的脸hit sb.on the head打某人的头


be red in the face脸红be lame in the right leg右腿瘸 be blind in the left eye左眼瞎


1.There is ______ report in todays newspaper. Its about the International Film Festival, Shanghai.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

2.Haikou, capital of Hainan Province, is pretty city.

A. a; a B. the; the C. the; a D. a; the

3.--- Mum, where is my CD player?

--- Its in white bag on your desk.

A. a B. an C. the D. 不填

4.-- Have you seen _____ mobile phone? I left it here just now.

-- No, I haven t.

A. a B. an C. the D. 不填

5.Mr Smith always gives me ___ hand when I am in trouble.

A. a B. an C. the D. 不填

6.This is song Ive told you about. Isnt it beautiful one?

A.the /the B.a/a C.the /a D.a /the

7.Have you seen ________ pen? I left it here this morning.

Is it ________ black one? I think I saw it somewhere.

A. a;theB. the;the C. the;aD. a;a

8._______ woman over there is ______ popular teacher in our school.

A , an B. The, a C. The, the D. A, the

9.The cartoon Mulan is_____ interesting film and_____ story happened in China.

A. a, the B. an, the C. the, a D. an, a

10.They had _______ wonderful train ride to Chengdu before they went on to _______ Mount Emei by bus.

A. a; the B. /; the C. a; / ? D. the; a

11.During World War II, a Jewish (犹太) lady was protected by a local family in Shanghai in her? ______.

A. fifties B. fifty C. fiftieth D. the fiftieth

12.--How often are the Olympic Games held??

--_____ four years.

A. Every B. Each C. In D. For

13.Ive read ______ sports news about the F1 race today.

A. two B. pieces C. two pieces D. two pieces of

14._____the students in these primary school is about three thousand, _____of them are girls.

A.A number of; two third B. The number of; two thirds

C.A number of; two thirds D .The number of; two third

15。The river through our city, which is about _________, is clean again.

A. 6000 metres long B. 6000-metres-long

C. 6000-metre-long D. 6000 metre long

16.It is reported that the train accident in India killed _____ people. No Chinese was_____ them.

A. two hundred; among B. two hundreds; among

C. two hundred; between D. two hundreds; between

17.During the seven-day May Day holiday, families went sightseeing.

A. thousand B. thousandsC. thousands and thousands D. thousands of

18.Whats one fourth and a half, do you know? Yes, its _____.

A. two sixths B. three fourths C. one three D. three sixths

19.______ of the students are girls in our class.

A. Two three B.Two threes C.Two thirds D.Second three

20.The doctor worked for __________ after twelve oclock.

two more hours B. two another hour C. more two hours D. another two hour


1.[答案]:A 依据题意:在今天的报纸上有一篇报告,他有关于上海国际电影节的。

2.[答案]C。 题意为:海口是海南省的省会,是一个美丽的城市。表示特指,应用定冠词;后一空表示泛指,故选C。

3. [答案]:C 此处是指你桌子上的白袋子里。故应用定冠词。

4. [答案]:A 不定冠词用来指一类人或事物中的任何一个,而不具体说明哪一个。

5. [答案]:A give sb. a hand表示帮某人一把的意思。故用选A。

6. 答案]: C 依据题意:这是我告诉你的那首歌曲,是特指;难道不是美丽的一首歌曲吗?,是泛指。故应选C。

7. [答案]: D 。不定冠词也可以用来表示一这个数量,同时不定冠词用来指一类人或事物中的任何一个,而不具体说明哪一个。故应选D。

8. [答案]: B 。依据题意:在那边的那位妇女是我们学校最受欢迎的教师。第一个空特指,应用定冠词;第二空是泛指。故应选B。

9. [答案]: B 一部有趣的电影,是泛指,首字母读音是元音,排除A、C两项;故事是发生在中国,是特指。故选B。

10. [答案]: C .have a ride是固定搭配,峨眉山名词前不用冠词。故选C。

11. [答案]:A 表示某人几十岁,用in ones十位数的基数词的复数形式。故选A。

12. [答案]:A 每隔的表达式为:every +基数词+复数名词 /every +序数词+单数名词。

13. [答案]:D news表示消息,是不可数名词;一条消息应用,a piece of ;两条消息则用two pieces of。故用D。

14. [答案]:B 。a number of, 意为许多,后接复数名词,谓语用复数形式;the number of意为为的总数,后接复数名词,但谓语要用单数。当分子大于1时。分母的序数词后加s。分数常与of 短语连用,作主语时,其谓语动词的单复数取决于of 后的名词。故选B。

15。 [答案]:A 由基数词和名词加连字符号构成的复合词作定语时,其中名词用单数。反之,则用复数。

16. [答案]:A 。ten,hundred,thousand,million,billion表示具体数目时,不用复数形式。先排除B、D;among表示在.......中,指三者或三者以上;而between则表示两者之间。故选A。

17. [答案]: D。ten,hundred,thousand,million,billion表示具体数目时,不用复数形式。但ten,hundred,thousand,million等后面如跟of......短语时,则其后要用复数形式,表示大约数。故应选D。

18. [答案]:B 分数表达法是分子用基数词,分母用序数词。当分子大于1时。分母的序数词后加s。依据题意:四分之一加二分之一是多少?其答案应为:四分之三。故选B。

19. [答案]: C 分数表达法是分子用基数词,分母用序数词。当分子大于1时。分母的序数词后加s。

20. 【答案】A。 数词、形容词连用,修饰名词时,数词放在形容词前。

