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发布时间:2015-12-28 19:02:57来源:查字典-中考网



1.-You look sad,Betty.Whats the matter with you?


A.Ive got the first prize.

B.Im sorry to hear that.

C.I cant attend the summer camp.

D.I dont quite agree with you.

2.-Thank you for helping me with my physics.

-__D__.I hope you can do better in it.(2015,天津)

A.Good ideaB.See you

C.Im not sure D.Youre welcome

3.-This is your order,a sandwich and an apple pie.__A__

-Ill have it here.(2015,兰州)

A.For here or to go? B.Something to drink?

C.Anything else? D.Is that OK?

4.-Will you carry the box for me,please?


A.no good B.no problem

C.no idea D.no way

5.-Lets go swimming.


A.Its a pleasure B.Youre welcome

C.Thanks a lot D.Its a good idea

6.-How do you like this house?(2015,兰州)

-__B__ Its everything Ive been looking for.

A.Terrible! B.Perfect!

C.Awful! D.Delicious!

7.-Could I borrow your bike,please?


A.Of course you can B.It doesnt matter

C.Yes,Id love to D.No,thank you

8.-Could you please sweep the floor?Im going to cook dinner.

-__D__.Ill do it at once,Mom.(2015,黄冈)

A.Im afraid not B.Youre kidding

C.Its a shame D.My pleasure

9.-Hi! My names Tim.Its my first time to be here.


A.Very well,thank you

B.Its all right

C.That would be very nice

D.Nice to meet you

10.-May I use your MP4 today,Paul?

-__C__.I will not use it.(2015,重庆A卷)

A.No,you can B.Ive no idea

C.Sure,go ahead D.Not at all

11.-I will have an important match tomorrow.I hope I will win.


A.Good luck B.No idea

C.Thats such a pity D.Its all right

12.-Im going on vacation this weekend.


A.The same to you B.Have a good time

C.Hurry up D.Hold on,please

13.-Would you like to play football after school?

-__A__.I have a lot of homework to do.(2015,安徽)

A.Im afraid not B.Enjoy yourself

C.Take your time D.It takes no time

14.-Dont throw plastic bags towards the animals in the zoo.


A.All right. B.My pleasure.

C.Not at all. D.Dont mention it.

15.-Would you mind working in the countryside?

-__A__ I will be glad to work there.(2015,重庆B卷)

A.Of course not. B.My pleasure.

C.Not at all. D.Dont mention it.

16.-Tom,would you like to train our football team?


A.Sure,Id like to B.Youre welcome

C.Its my pleasure D.Not at all

17.-Are you sure you can do well in todays test,Frank?

-__B__.Ive got everything ready.(2015,武威)

A.Its hard to say B.I think so

C.Im afraid not D.I hope not

18.-Dont listen to music in class.


A.Sorry,I wont. B.No way.

C.Its a pleasure. D.What a pity!

19.-May I speak to Mr.Black,please?

-__A__ Hes upstairs.(2015,武威)

A.Hold on,please. B.Yes,speaking.

C.Whos this? D.Whats that?

20.-The radio says it will rain next Sunday.

-__D__.Were going for a picnic that day.(2015,呼和浩特)

A.I hope it will B.Im afraid not

C.I dont think so D.I hope not

21.-Lets try paragliding next Sunday morning.


A.Catch you on Sunday

B.Not at all

C.Youre welcome

D.Thats right

22.-Would you like to go to the movie with me this evening?

-__C__,but I promised to go swimming with Eric.(2015,绵阳)

A.Never mind B.I dont think so

C.Id love to D.Its not a big deal

23.-Its sunny today.What about going out for a bike riding along the Binhe Road?

-__D__ Lets ask Fred to go with us!(2015,武威)

A.Best wishes! B.Thats too bad!

C.Why? D.Sounds great!

24.-What do you think of the soap opera?

-__C__Its too boring.(2015,广元)

A.I love it. B.I dont mind it.

C.I cant stand it.

25.-Is it OK if I keep this photo?

-__C__.I have another copy.(2015,南京)

A.Sorry,no B.No,Im not sure

C.Yes,thats fine D.Dont mention it

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