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发布时间:2009-12-07 10:24:08来源:查字典-中考网

Im glad its Sunday again. I can stay in bed 1 I like, drinking tea and 2 those thick newspapers that are brought 3 the newsboy through the letterbox at 8:30. In this way, I can catch up with all the 4 I havent got time to read during my work time.

When I 5 the papers, I then prepare my bath. The Sunday morning bath is 6 of the week. Theres no need to hurry because theres no bus to 7 and my friends are told not to call me up before noon on Sundays, so there is no danger of 8 by the telephone.

9 spend the afternoon after lunch is always a bit of problem. In summer I can go to the park and sit in a chair 10 boys playing football, while in winter I sit in front of the fire and 11 when reading a book, sometimes I turn on the television and sleep through an old film.

Then theres the 12 ahead of me. Perhaps Ill call on some friends or go to the cinema 13 a new film I want to see or to town for a concert. Oh, there are 14 pleasant ways of passing Sunday evenings. The only sad thing is that Monday morning is getting 15 .

1. A. as long as B. as soon as C. as well as D. as much as

2. A. read B. reading C. to read D. am reading

3. A. from B. with C. and D. by

4. A. things B. books C. information D. knowledge

5. A. am reading B. have read C. had read D. read

6. A. the much pleasant B. the more pleasant

C. the most pleasant D. the very pleasant

7. A. sit B. catch C. get in D. take

8. A. trouble B. being troubled

C. troubling D. to be troubled

9. A. What to B. How to C. When to D. Where to

10. A. looking B. seeing C. looking at D. watching

11. A. fall asleep B. go to sleep C. go to bed D.get to sleep

12. A. supper B. friend C. evening D. work

13. A. whether theres B. if there will be

C. when there has D. if there will be

14. A. so many B. such many C. a lot D. quite few

15. A. busier B. longer C. near D. away




1. A。as long as表示时间上的要多长有多长 。

2. B。现在分词充当伴随状语,与前面的drinking并列。

3. D。newsboy是动作的执行者,所以用by 。

4. A。意为报纸之类的所有的东西。

5. B。强调已读完报纸。

6. C。通过上下文可知只有用最高级,意为星期日的淋浴是一个星期中最令人愉快的。

7. B。catch a bus 赶车。

8. B。被打扰,所以用被动式,of 后接动名词形式作宾语。

9. B。表示怎样度过下午是个问题。

10. D。watch sb. doing sth.。seeing也很具有迷惑性,但观看某人踢足球还是应当用watch。

11. A。入睡,睡着。

12 .C。下午过后,当然是夜晚就在眼前。

13. B。这里故意把if和whether放在一起,其实,我们需要的是假如,而非是否,故选择if,本句是一个条件状语从句,故用一般现在时。

14. B。 固定短语sothat,,suchthat 另,many, much, little, few前用 so而不用such。

15. C。意为星期一早晨临近了。

Im glad its Sunday again. I can stay in bed 1 I like, drinking tea and 2 those thick newspapers that are brought 3 the newsboy through the letterbox at 8:30. In this way, I can catch up with all the 4 I havent got time to read during my work time.

When I 5 the papers, I then prepare my bath. The Sunday morning bath is 6 of the week. Theres no need to hurry because theres no bus to 7 and my friends are told not to call me up before noon on Sundays, so there is no danger of 8 by the telephone.

9 spend the afternoon after lunch is always a bit of problem. In summer I can go to the park and sit in a chair 10 boys playing football, while in winter I sit in front of the fire and 11 when reading a book, sometimes I turn on the television and sleep through an old film.

Then theres the 12 ahead of me. Perhaps Ill call on some friends or go to the cinema 13 a new film I want to see or to town for a concert. Oh, there are 14 pleasant ways of passing Sunday evenings. The only sad thing is that Monday morning is getting 15 .

1. A. as long as B. as soon as C. as well as D. as much as

2. A. read B. reading C. to read D. am reading

3. A. from B. with C. and D. by

4. A. things B. books C. information D. knowledge

5. A. am reading B. have read C. had read D. read

6. A. the much pleasant B. the more pleasant

C. the most pleasant D. the very pleasant

7. A. sit B. catch C. get in D. take

8. A. trouble B. being troubled

C. troubling D. to be troubled

9. A. What to B. How to C. When to D. Where to

10. A. looking B. seeing C. looking at D. watching

11. A. fall asleep B. go to sleep C. go to bed D.get to sleep

12. A. supper B. friend C. evening D. work

13. A. whether theres B. if there will be

C. when there has D. if there will be

14. A. so many B. such many C. a lot D. quite few

15. A. busier B. longer C. near D. away




1. A。as long as表示时间上的要多长有多长 。

2. B。现在分词充当伴随状语,与前面的drinking并列。

3. D。newsboy是动作的执行者,所以用by 。

4. A。意为报纸之类的所有的东西。

5. B。强调已读完报纸。

6. C。通过上下文可知只有用最高级,意为星期日的淋浴是一个星期中最令人愉快的。

7. B。catch a bus 赶车。

8. B。被打扰,所以用被动式,of 后接动名词形式作宾语。

9. B。表示怎样度过下午是个问题。

10. D。watch sb. doing sth.。seeing也很具有迷惑性,但观看某人踢足球还是应当用watch。

11. A。入睡,睡着。

12 .C。下午过后,当然是夜晚就在眼前。

13. B。这里故意把if和whether放在一起,其实,我们需要的是假如,而非是否,故选择if,本句是一个条件状语从句,故用一般现在时。

14. B。 固定短语sothat,,suchthat 另,many, much, little, few前用 so而不用such。

15. C。意为星期一早晨临近了。

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