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发布时间:2015-03-03 20:49:00来源:查字典-中考网

Why is it important for Lee to study English After Chinese,the language that is most spoken in the world is __1__.Experts say that 300 million people speak English as a __2__ language and another 500 million people speak it as a second language.English __3__ by almost a billion people in the world and 83% of the worlds __4__ are written in English.But people think that there will be __5__ emails in Chinese than in English.

Lee is studying English because he wants to be a __6__,and he knows that English is the international language of science.Most scientists write in English.Lees father is a scientist,and __7__ Lees father is going to an important scientific meeting in Hong Kong.All the discussions will be __8__ English.

Lees cousin Wei Ling wants to work for an airline when she __9__ school.She needs English for this because English is the __10__ language used on airlines and all pilots speak English.Wei Ling is going on an English course this summer to __11__ English.

David Zhang was born and lived in the USA.Thats __12__ he has an English name.His family __13__ to live in China last year and David is at Lees school.David speaks English __14__,but his Chinese isnt very good.In the summer holidays,David and Lee are planning to spend time together so that they can help each __15__.Their plan is this:On Monday they speak English,on Tuesday they speak Chinese,and so on.Their teacher says its a very good plan.

1.A.GermanB.French C.Russian D.English


3.A.uses B.used C.is used D.was used

4.A.letters B.emails C.articles D.postcards

5.A.more B.fewer C.better D.worse

6.A.pilot B.doctor C.scientist D.secretary

7.A.last year B.last week C.last month D.next month

8.A.with B.in C.by D.of

9.A.left B.leaves C.is leaving D.has left

10.A.national B.natural C.local D.international

11.A.improve B.translate C.read D.write

12.A.where B.when C.why D.what

13.A.came back B.wrote back C.gave back D.took back

14.A.badly B.slowly C.perfectly D.carefully

15.A.another B.other C.others D.the other

答案:1-5 DACBA 6-10 CDBBD 11-15 ACACB

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