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发布时间:2013-01-23 09:50:44来源:查字典-中考网



A farmer had some little dogs to sell. As he was putting up an advertisement on the fence of his yard, a 1 happened to pass by.

I want to 2 one of your dogs, sir .

Well,said the farmer,these dogs come from fine parents and cost a lot of 3 .

The boy 4 his head for a moment. Then he reached deep into his 5 and pulled out some change. Ive got thirty-nine cents(美分). Is that 6 to take a look?

7 ,said the farmer. And with that he let out a whistle(口哨),Here, Dolly!

Dolly ran out of the doghouse 8 by four little dogs. The boys eyes danced with joy.

As the dogs made their way to the fence, the little boy noticed something else moving inside the 9 .Slowly another little dog 10 ; this one much smaller. It was doing its best to 11 ...

I want that one,the little boy said.

The farmer said,Son, dont want that dog. He will 12 be able to run and play with you like the other dogs would.

The boy rolled up(卷起) one leg of his pants and showed a steel(钢) 13 .Looking back up at the farmer, he said,You see, sir ,I dont 14 too well myself ,and he will need someone who 15 .

1. A. boy B. dog C. farmer D. son

2. A .sell B. see C. buy D. feed

3. A. time B. money C. work D. study

4. A. shook B. covered C. knockedD. dropped

5. A. pocketB. yardC. heartD. mouth

6. A. enough B. easyC. necessaryD. simple

7. A. NoB. SureC. SorryD. Thanks

8. A. sentB. drivenC. followed D. taught

9. A. farmB. fence C. advertisement D. doghouse

10. A. died B. shouted C. appeared D. watched

11. A. catch up B. go away C. give upD. look out

12. A. sometimes B. always C. often D. never

13. A. hand B. backC. armD. leg

14. A. speak B. run C. walk D. swim


【主旨大意】 本文作者讲述了一个残疾儿童买一只残疾小狗的事情。在平时的语言中,你会感到一种人性的美,和世间的浓浓温情。

1. A 【解析】 由下文的boy可知。

2. C 【解析】句意为我想要买你的小狗。

3. B 【解析】由下文小男孩掏出了一些零花钱,可知小狗是要花费一些钱的。

4. D 【解析】shook摇头;covered覆盖;knocked 敲打;dropped放下;低。

5. A 【解析】由下文掏出钱来,可知是把手伸进口袋。。

6. A 【解析】句意为这些钱够吗?

7. B 【解析】由他把小狗们叫出来,可知这些钱是够的。

8. A 【解析】sent派;送;driven驾驶;followed跟着;taught教。句意为多利跑出来,身边跟着一群小狗。

9. D 【解析】根据上句别的小狗已经从狗窝中跑了出来,可知这只小狗还在狗窝里。

10. C 【解析】died 死;shouted叫;appeared出现;watched观看。句意为另一只小狗出现了。

11. D 【解析】小狗尽力的向外张望。

12. D 【解析】它永远不会像其他的小狗那样和你跑和玩耍。

13. D 【解析】男孩卷起裤腿,可知露出了腿。

14. C 【解析】男孩说我跑的也不快。

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