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发布时间:2013-02-04 14:20:26来源:查字典-中考网

西安查字典中考网2月4日 寒假到来,初三学生应该在这段时间里对中考各科进行梳理,掌握考点、题型、命题规律等。西安爱知中学英语老师胡海燕为大家指导,该如何在寒假里进行中考英语复习。




必须构建知识框架,化零为整。了解学过了哪些知识,它们之间有什么联系; 哪些是必须掌握的,属于中考必考范围; 哪些知识属于拓展、了解部分,不会作 为考点。这样也会使我们把握好复习的深度和广度,有目的,有针对性地复习, 避免无休止扩展,进入误区,绕弯路。


1. 课本知识的归纳总结。

紧扣课本,吃透教材,抓住要点,不断反复。 每天坚持按计划复习课本知识,每天熟记 一 定量的单词、重点词组、句型、语法等要点, 对于固定词组和习惯用语要背诵,并能够默写 。对于每单元的重点词、词组进行归纳总结, 并配练习进行巩固。

2. 按话题归类,进行情景交际与应用复习。

初中教材中涉及的话题有购物、问路、看病、借东西、谈论天气、就餐、提供帮助、看电影、打电话等48个功能用语。每天早晨大声朗读和背诵所学过的课文、对话, 达到听、说训练一体化。






1. 听力部分 在最后复习阶段,坚持每天听,每天利用至少半个小时的时间,大声朗读和背诵所学过的课文、对话,通过朗读和背诵熟悉所学过的各种交际用语和功能用语,让学生把这些交际用语的表达式烂记于心,这样,答题的时候就有语感,准确率就会高得多。

2. 语言知识 属于考查各项基础知识的传统题型,此题内容涉及语法、词汇、惯用法、句型、口语功能等方面,考察学生语法基础知识的运用能力 。此题灵活,覆盖面广,而且单纯的语法题已经很少,语境+语法题越来越多 ,主要考核语言在语境中的运用,答题时如果忽视语境,就很容易答错,这就要求学生能对句子进行正确分析,对基础语法进行灵活运用。

3. 完形填空 1、重首句。 2、重语境。 3、重实词。 4、重快速领悟文章主旨的能力。 5、重对文章的整体把握能力。 6、重考查排除干扰、完形词义的能力

4. 阅读训练 阅读理解部分应通过文章的字里行间,挖掘作者的写作意图和真实思路,领会文章的弦外之音、话外之意。要求能对文章中提到的表层信息点进行整合和推理。有些选项确实是文章中提到的事实,但不一定是问题的答案,因此还要仔细读题。

在阅读训练时要注意以下几个方面: 1.要有阅读积累,每天阅读2到3个小短文。 2.阅读的范围要广泛。 3.阅读要提速,要有时间限制(每篇四到五分钟)。 4.重视整体理解能力。遇生词不要查字典,通过上下文来理解。 5.答题时要抓住关键词语。


1. 通读全文领会大意,弄清整篇短文意思。 2. 阅读所设题目。 3. 精读全文选答案。 4. 重读全文,检验答案。



5.完成句子 它要求考生有较精确的语言素养,考查考生对词义的理解、词汇的拼写、词性的选择和运用,以及固定搭配、句子的类型结构、句子的时态等方面的能力。这个题在一定程度上提高了对学生的综合语言运用能力的考查 力度。

答题时要注意: 1. 通读全句,联系上下文,确定所需词语。 2. 要掌握初中英语教材1-3册四会的单词拼写。

6. 短文填空 该题型是一种综合性比较强的题型,主要考核学生对篇章的整体理解和词或词组在句子中的运用能力,在理解文章的基础上正确运用。学生必须在读懂文章,把握故事脉络的基础上用所给词的适当形式来填空。

训练方法: 1. 通读文章,猜测文章大意。 2. 再读,选词,填词。 3. 再读,检查。主要检查逻辑是否通,词形变化是否正确。

7. 任务型阅读 目的是考查学生通过阅读获取信息并进行信 息整合与转换的能力。有时候可以直接从文 章中得出答案,有时候需要对文章彻底理解 并从新整合才能得出答案,对学生的概括能 力要求较高。

8. 补全对话 补全对话考查学生交际应用英语的能力。



B.应将一些常见情景下经常运用的句型、词组 背熟,比如,问路、看病、邀请等常规用语。


9.写作训练 A. 仔细审题、分清题型。 B. 语言地道,符合英语语言习惯。 C. 注意文章的条理性,有主题句或中心句, 有结尾句。 D. 仔细检查,注意时态、语态、人称是否上 下文一致;是否有单词拼写错误,是否有单 复数的错误;字数是否达到要求。


1. want to do / refuse / decide / would like / hope / pretend / plan / wish to do

2. --- Is this/ that your --- Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.

3. --- Where is your? --- Its on/ in

4. --- Do you like? --- Yes, I do. / No, I dont.

5. --- How much is / are? ---Its / They are dollars/ yuan.

6. --- When is ? ---Its on March 3./ Its in June.

7. What kind of do you like?

8. What a funny time to eat breakfast! What fine weather it is today!

9. --- Can you do? ---Yes, I can./ No, I cant.

10. What time / When do you usually get up?

11. --- Whats your favorite subject? ---My favorite subject is.

12. ---Who is that man in the car? --- He is my father.

13. --- What color is your bike ? --- My bike is blue.

14. How old is he / are you?

15. let sb do sth

16. make sb do sth / be made to do make sb / sth + adj.

17. How / What about sth / doing sth?

18. Hows the weather in Beijing today? Whats the weather like today?

19. What day is it today?

20. Whats the date today?

21. What does she look like? Whats she like?

22. stop doing sth. stop to do sth

23. ---What do you think of ? --- Wonderful! / Its so crowded.

24. ---How do you like ? --- I like it very much

25. How do you feel about pollution?

26. enjoy/ finish / would mind / consider / practice / spend / keep/ feel like/be busy / have fun / have trouble doing sth

27. Its time to do / Its time for sb to do / Its time for sth

28. ---What does he do? / Whats his job? --- He is a policeman.

29. help sb ( to ) do sth / help sb with sth with ones help / with the help of sb

30. hope to do sth / hope that

31. Its + hard / important / difficult + for sb to do sth

32. until, notuntil

33. It takes / took sb some time to do sth spend time / money on sth / spend time / money in doing sth pay money for sth cost sb money

34. be far away from be away from leave leave for

35. need to do sth need sb./ sth to do sth sth needs doing

36. have to do sth have sth. to do have / get sth done

37. be + adj 比较级 + than do + adv 比较级 + than

38. be + as + adj 原级 + as do + as + adv 原级+ as

39. be + not so adj 原级 + as do + not so adv原级 + as be less + adj 原级 + than

40. How many bananas do you need? How much yogurt do you need?

41. There was / were + n doing + 地点 42. take the / a bus to by bus on a bus

43. have fun doing sth 44. start doing / to do sth begin to do / doing

45. how far how soon how long how often how many times

46. too + adj / adv to do sth adj / adv enough to do so adj. / adv that such a / an adj+ n that 47. be going to do sth.

48. ---Could / Can you please ( not ) do sth ? --- Yes, I can. / Of course. / Sure.

49. What/ who is the best + 名词 + 范围?

50. There will be There is / are going to be...

51. tell sb to do sth ask / want / would like / allow / sb to do sth tell ask / want / would like sb not to do sth / be told / asked to do

52. find it adj. to do sth

53. try to do sth / try not to do sth / try doing sth

54. Whats wrong with..? = Whats the matter with? 55. see / hear / notice / sb doing sth when see / hear / notice / sb do be seen /heard / noticed to do / doing 57. be supposed to do sth should do 58. be surprised to do/ be surprised at sth / be surprised that

59. the +比较级, the +比较级 比较级 and 比较级 变为比较级只加er, est的形容词: lucky early healthy lively lovely clever early

60. sb / sth is the first one to do sth

61. ---Would you mind ( not ) doing sth? --- Of course not. / Youd better not. Would you mind my/ his doing sth?

62. have a hard time doing sth / have trouble ( in ) doing sth have problems ( in ) doing sth / have difficulty ( in ) doing/ have a difficult time doing sth

63. be busy doing / be busy with sth

64. 疑问词+不定式与宾语从句的转换 I wonder when to start. = I wonder when we will start.

66. with+宾语+宾语补足语 表示方式或伴随 with + 名词 作定语 My teacher came into the classroom with a book in her hand. He rushed out with smiling. The woman with a baby in her arms is going to get on the bus. The old man with glasses is my grandfather.

67. one of + the + 形容词最高级 +复数名词

68. So + 助动词 + 主语 Neither ( Nor ) + 助动词 + 主语/ So + 主语 + 助动词

69. would rather do than do = prefer to do rather than do / prefer A to B prefer doing to doing

70. There must be 主语doing

71. have been have been in have been to have gone

72. Why not do sth? Why dont you do?

73. be used for doing sth used to do / be used to do sth / be / get used to doing

74. What happened to sb? Great changes have taken place in my home town in the past few years.

75. look forward to doing sth.

76. Its ones turn to do sth.

77. Its said that Its believed that Its reported that

78. Its very nice / kind of sb to do sth. / Its easy for sb to do sth. Its important to sb. Its important for sb to do sth.

79. be pleased / glad / happy to do sth be pleased with sth / sb 80. Youd better do Youd better not do

81. was doing when did

82. had done when did had done by the timedid

83. has done /have been . since did

84. Its + 一段时间 since did

85. What a beautiful building ( it is )! How beautiful the building is!

86. He bought the wonderful book two years ago. He has had the wonderful book for two years.

英语学习和其他学科一样,是一个日积月累的功夫。不可能通过短期训练就达到我们所期望的理想效果。但是在最后的冲刺阶段,科学、合理的复习方法会使我们 对所学知识有一个系统的归纳总结,在较短的时间内,补上平时学习的漏洞,使我们学精、练透、用活,从而在考试中能够发挥到最好,取得好成绩。

73. be used for doing sth used to do / be used to do sth / be / get used to doing

74. What happened to sb? Great changes have taken place in my home town in the past few years.

75. look forward to doing sth.

76. Its ones turn to do sth.

77. Its said that Its believed that Its reported that

78. Its very nice / kind of sb to do sth. / Its easy for sb to do sth. Its important to sb. Its important for sb to do sth.

79. be pleased / glad / happy to do sth be pleased with sth / sb 80. Youd better do Youd better not do

81. was doing when did

82. had done when did had done by the timedid

83. has done /have been . since did

84. Its + 一段时间 since did

85. What a beautiful building ( it is )! How beautiful the building is!

86. He bought the wonderful book two years ago. He has had the wonderful book for two years.

英语学习和其他学科一样,是一个日积月累的功夫。不可能通过短期训练就达到我们所期望的理想效果。但是在最后的冲刺阶段,科学、合理的复习方法会使我们 对所学知识有一个系统的归纳总结,在较短的时间内,补上平时学习的漏洞,使我们学精、练透、用活,从而在考试中能够发挥到最好,取得好成绩。

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