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发布时间:2013-12-26 10:02:51来源:查字典-中考网




A: Hello, may I speak to David?

B: _________________________________________.(1)

A: Hi, David! This is Lin Tao speaking.

B: Hi, Lin Tao . Whats up?

A: What are you going to do next Sunday?

B: _________________________________________.(2) Do you have any ideas?

A: Shall we go to the zoo? I hear theres a dolphin show there.

B: A dolphin show? Good idea! _____________________________________ ?(3)

A: By bike.

B: _____________________________________________________________? (4)

A: At half past nine.

B: _____________________________________________________________? (5)

A: Lets meet outside the zoo gate.

B: All right .See you then.


A: Hello, 6817502.

B: Hello. ______________________________________________________ ? (1)

A: Sorry, _______________________________________ . (2) This is Jims mother, Mrs Green. Can I take a message?

B: Thats very kind of you. This is David, Jims friend. I ask him for some Chinese stamps. He told me he had got some last week.

A: OK. I will tell him about it. Would you like him to call you back later?

B: Well, I wont be at home today. My mother is ill, so I must go to the hospital to look after her. Would you please ask him to ring me tomorrow morning?

A: Oh, ________________________________________________.(3) Ill let Jim know it. By the way, ______________________________________________?(4)

B: Oh. My phone number is 6877242.

A: 6877242, right?

B: Yes, thats right. Thanks a lot.

A: _____________________________________________________________ .(5)


A: _____________________________________________________ .(1)

B: Good afternoon. ________________________________________, (2) young lady?

A: I feel very weak. I cant do any work, doctor.

B: ________________________________________________________________ ? (3)

A: No, I dont have a headache.

B: ________________________________________________________________ ? (4)

A: Yes, I sleep very well at night.

B: ________________________________________________________________ ? (5)

A: No, I dont have breakfast this morning. And I have only a little food for lunch and supper because I want to keep thin.

B: Oh, I see. Theres nothing much serious. You need to more food and have three meals a day. And do some exercise every day. Then youll get better soon.


A: Good morning, Doctor.

B: Good morning, my boy! ___________________________________________? (1)

A: Ive got a headache and a cough. Im sure theres something wrong with me.

B: _______________________________________________________________? (2)

A: Im feeling even worse now.

B: __________________________________________________. (3) Oh, its a bit high. Im afraid youve got a cold. How long have you been like this?

A: Even since last night. Is it serious, doctor?

B: No. _________________________________________. (4) Did you eat anything for breakfast this morning?

A: No, I didnt feel like eating anything. What should I do, doctor?

B: Well, dont worry about it. Take the medicine three times a day. Stay in bed to have a good rest and drink more water. Youll get well soon.

A: __________________________________________________, (5) doctor. Goodbye.

B: Thats all right. Goodbye.


A:Excuseme. ______________________________________________________(1) ?

B: Certainly. Go along this street and turn left at the first crossing. The museum is next to the post office.

A: ________________________________________________________________(2) ?

B: Its about thirty minutes walk.

A: I see. ___________________________________________________________(3) ?

B: Yes, you can. The No.9 bus will take you there.

A: By the way , _____________________________________________________ (4) ?

B: Over there. Look! The bus is coming.

A: Thank you very much.

B: ___________________________________________________(5) .


A: Good morning, madam. ____________________________________________? (1)

B: Id like a T-shirt for my son.

B: ________________________________________________________________? (2)

A: Size L. He is a tall boy. He loves cotton T-shirts.

__________________________________________________ ? (3) Its made in China.

B: OK. Let me have a look. ___________________________________________? (4)

A: 120 yuan. Its popular now.

B; But Im afraid its a little more expensive and I dont like the colour.

A: Do you like the black one? Its only 80 yuan.

B: Hmm, it looks nice. _______________________________________. (5) Thank you.

A: Youre welcome.


A: What are you going to do next weekend?

B: I have no idea. ___________________________________________________? (1)

A: I dont know. Do you want to do something with me?

B: Sure. ___________________________________________________________? (2)

A: How about going fishing on Saturday?

B: That sounds good. ________________________________________________? (3)

A: Lets meet at my house. My father has a boat. He can take us to the lake.

B: _______________________________________________________________? (4)

A: Lets leave at 5:30 in the morning. Fishing is good at that time.

B: So early? _______________________________________________________? (5)

A: Well, no problem. What about 6:00 ?

B: OK. Ill get to your house at 5:50. See you tomorrow.

A: See you tomorrow.


A: Hi, Mary. Are you going to visit Beihai Park tomorrow?

B: Yes. Well start at 7:50. ____________________________________________ ? (1)

A: Id love to. But do you think its going to rain tomorrow?

B: _________________________________________________. (2) Look, there isnt any cloud in the sky.

A: I hope it will be fine tomorrow. ______________________________________ ? (3)

B: Not far. Itll take us half an hour. Its only 5 bus stops.

A: You mean well go there by bus, is that right?

B: Yes. ____________________________________________________________. (4)

A: But Id like to go there by bike. At that time the streets are very busy. Buses cant go faster than bikes.

B: I agree with you. Going by bike can save both time and money.

A: Yes. __________________________________________________________ . (5)

B: OK. Goodbye.

A: Bye-bye.


A: Hi, Tom! Come in, please.

B: Hi! ____________________________________________________________? (1)

A: Im looking for information about Sydney on the Internet. Im going to Sydney for my holiday.

B: _______________________________________________________________ ? (2)

A: No, but my father has been there twice. He told me there were many places of interest there

B: _______________________________________________________________ ? (3)

A: Im leaving at 9 a.m on Friday, July.

B: _______________________________________________________________ ? (4)

A: I will go there by plane.

B: Have you ever flown in a plane?

A: _______________________________________________________________ . (5)

B: You must be excited when you fly in a plane.

A: Really, I cant for it.


A: Hi! Youve bought a new motorbike, havent you?

B: Yes, I have.

A: ______________________________________________________________ ? (1)

B: I bought it only yesterday. How do you like it?

A: Its nice except the colour.

B: ______________________________________________________________ ? (2)

A: I prefer red to white.

B: But I like white better.

A: By the way, ________________________________? (3) It must be very expensive.

B: Not very much . Its about two thousand yuan.

A: Really? It looks like a Japanese one.

B: _____________________________________________________________ ? (4)

A: Its made in Chongqing.

B: May I have a try?

A: ___________________________________________________ . (5)

B: Thank you.

A: Youre welcome.


A: Hello, Ann! May I ask you some questions?

B. Certainly.

A: _____________________________________________________________ ? (1)

B: I was born on May 18, 1990.

A: Where were you born?

B: I was born in England in a small town near London.

A: _____________________________________________________________? (2)

B: We lived there for about nine years. Then we moved to France.

A: ____________________________________________________________ ? (3)

B: Because my father found work there.

A: ____________________________________________________________ ? (4)

B: We came to China two years ago.

A: Do you enjoy living in China?

B: ____________________________________________. (5)Very much.


A: ____________________________________________________________ ? (1)

B: Im from.

C: Dont tell him, Bruce. Let him guess.

A: Well, you are from Australia, arent you?

B: Yes. _________________________________________________________? (2)

A: The way you speak. Bruce, you came here at a bad time of year, Im afraid.

B:_____________________________________________________________? (3)

C: Because its winter now. The weather here is very cold, isnt it?

B: Yes. Its very different from Australia at this time of year.

A: Really? _____________________________________________________? (4)

B: Its hot. Its summer now!

C: Hmm, thats interesting.

B: Would you like to go there?

C: Yes, ________________________________________ . (5)


补全对话(一)1. Speaking. / This is David speaking. 2. Nothing much. 3. How can we get there? 4. When shall we meet? 5. Where shall we meet?

补全对话 (二) 1. May / Can / Could I speak to Jim, please? 2. he isnt in. 3. Im sorry to hear that. 4. Whats your phone number? 5. Youre welcome.

补全对话(三)1. Good afternoon. 2. What the trouble / Whats the matter / Whats wrong 3. Do you have a headache? 4. Do you sleep well at night? 5. Do you have breakfast this morning?

补全对话(四)1. What the trouble with you? / Whats the matter with you? / Whats wrong with you? 2. How are you feeling now? 3. Let me take your temperature. 4. Nothing serious. 5. Thank you very much

补全对话(五)1.Can / Could you tell me the way to the museum? ( Can / Could you tell me how I can get to the museum? Can / Could you tell me where the museum is ? ) 2.How long will it take me to get there ? 3.Can I take a bus ? / Can I go / get there by bus ? 4.Where is the bus stop ? 5.Youre welcome.

补全对话(六)1. Can I help you ? / What can I do for you? 2. What size does your son wear? 3. How / What about this one? 4. How much is it? 5. Ill take it.

补全对话(七)1. What about you? 2. What are you going to do? 3. Where are we going to meet? 4. What time / When shall we leave? 5. Can we make it a little later?

补全对话(八)1.Would you like to go with us? 2. I dont think so. 3. How far is Beihai Park from here? 4. Thats right. 5. Lets go by bike.

补全对话(九)1. What are you doing now? 2. Have you ever been to Sydney before? 3. When are you leaving? 4. How will you go there? 5. No, never. / No, I havent. / Not yet.

补全对话(十) 1. When did you buy it? 2. What colour do you prefer / like? 3. how much is it? 4. Where is it made? 5. Sure. / Certainly. / Of course.

补全对话(十一)1. When were you born? 2. How long did you live there? 3. Why did you move there? 4. When did you come to China? 5. Yes, we do.

补全对话(十二)1. Where are you from? 2. How did you guess? 3. Why do you say so? 4. Whats the weather like in Australia now? 5. Id like to.




1. 情景会话能力;

2. 逻辑思维能力;



1. 通读对话全文,摸清对话发生的地点、时间,人物的身份,对话的内容。

2. 理清上下句的逻辑关系,使你填入的话和整篇对话文理通顺,融为一体;

3. 符合说英语国家人的习惯,不要按中国人的习惯去应答。

4. 注意空白处的标点。是问号就应填问句;是句号,就应填陈述句。

【中考范例】 请看2004年陕西省中考试题:

VI. 补全对话(共10空,每空1.5分,计15分)



A: Good afternoon, John!

B: 1______________, Li Wei.

A: I hear you are going to Kunming for a winter holiday.

B: Yes, Ill go next week.

A: 2____________________________?

B: Its neither too cold nor too hot. Its warm there.

A: 3____________________________________.

B: Thank you.

【解析】这段对话发生在John和Li Wei之间。Li Wei 向John问下午好,按照说英语国家人的习惯,John也应该回答下午好,所以第1个空应填:Good afternoon。第二个空的下一句是回答昆明地天气情况,因此我们可以推断,第2个空应该是询问昆明的天气,应填:Whats the weather like in Kunming? / How is the weather there? 从第3个空的答语Thank you,我们可以推断对方一定是说了祝愿的话。所以这个空可以填:Have a good time./ Have a good journey./ Im sure you will have a good time.

A: Hi, Peter! How are you today?

B: 4__________________________________. And you?

A: Im OK. Are you free tomorrow?

B: 5__________________________________?

A: Were going to the park. 6____________________?

B: Of course. Id like to go with you. 7___________________?

A: We are going to meet at the school gate at one oclock. Please be there on time.

B: OK. Thank you.

【解析】这段对话写的是两个熟人见面互相问候并相约去公园的事。第4个空应该是回答对方的问话How are you today?的答语,所以应是:Fine, (Im fine.) thank you. 第5个空紧接问句Are you free tomorrow? 根据整个谈话的内容判断:应回答Yes, why?/ Yes, whats up? 第6个空是个问句,因为句末是问号,其答语是:Of course. Id like to go with you. 由此我们判断,对方是在邀请和他一起到公园去,因此,此空应填:Would you like to go with us?/ Will you go with us? 第7个空又是一个问句,其答语是:We are going to meet at the school gate at one oclock. Please be there on time. 由此我们判断对方问的是见面的时间和地点,所以应填:When and where are we going to meet?/ When and where shall we meet?


A: Dad. I cant find my socks. 8__________________?

B: Let me see. Are they white?

A: Yes. 9______________________?

B: I saw them in our sitting-room just now. You may go and get them.

A: Oh! Here they are!

B: You should put your things away.

A: 10____________________________________.

【解析】这是父子(女)之间的一段谈话。谈话的内容地找东西。第8个空是个问句,而且空前的句子是Dad. I cant find my socks. 由此,我们判断:儿子(女儿)是想问父亲见到没有,英语应该是:Have you seen them? 当父亲问他是不是白色的时候,他回答Yes. 既然父亲知道是白色的,那就肯定见到过,因此第9个空应填儿子(女儿)的问话:你在什麽地方见到的?英语就是:Where did you see them?/ Where are they? 第10个空的前面一句是父亲教训他的话,那末紧接着他应该表示接受。英语就是:Yes, I will./ OK, I will. / OK, I wont do that again.


(1)1. How many times have you read it?

2. Who wrote it?/ Who is the writer?

3. So do I ./ Me, too.

4. Its exciting / wonderful / great.

5. Is it far from here?

(2)1. Shall we have something to eat?/ Lets have something to eat, shall we?/ How about having something to eat?

2. if / whether there is a restaurant near here?

3. How far is it from here?

4. What kind music do you like?

5. Would you like to try?

(3)1. Do you like cooking?

2. Why do you have to cook this evening?

3. Who cooks every day in your family?

4. What will cook this evening?

5. Enjoy your noodles!

(4)1. Could I speak to Bruce, please?

2. Hes not in at the moment.

3. Im not sure he would give me one or two.

4. Has he got your telephone number?

5. My telephone number has changed.

(5)1. Where is it? / How can I get to it?

2. How far is it (from here)?

3. Which bus should I take?

4. How long does it take me to get there?

5. Thank you very much.

(6)1. May I speak to Ann, please?

2. Whos that (speaking)?

3. Can I take a message?

4. we are going to plant trees.

5. Please tell her to be there on time.

(7)1. We have (There are) many different kinds of washing machines here.

2. Where is it made?

3. Can you show me how to use it?

4. I cant afford it.

5. Ill take it.

(8)1. Nice to see you, too.

2. I went to

3. I stayed at home all the time.






A: Hello, may I speak to David?

B: _________________________________________.(1)

A: Hi, David! This is Lin Tao speaking.

B: Hi, Lin Tao . Whats up?

A: What are you going to do next Sunday?

B: _________________________________________.(2) Do you have any ideas?

A: Shall we go to the zoo? I hear theres a dolphin show there.

B: A dolphin show? Good idea! _____________________________________ ?(3)

A: By bike.

B: _____________________________________________________________? (4)

A: At half past nine.

B: _____________________________________________________________? (5)

A: Lets meet outside the zoo gate.

B: All right .See you then.


A: Hello, 6817502.

B: Hello. ______________________________________________________ ? (1)

A: Sorry, _______________________________________ . (2) This is Jims mother, Mrs Green. Can I take a message?

B: Thats very kind of you. This is David, Jims friend. I ask him for some Chinese stamps. He told me he had got some last week.

A: OK. I will tell him about it. Would you like him to call you back later?

B: Well, I wont be at home today. My mother is ill, so I must go to the hospital to look after her. Would you please ask him to ring me tomorrow morning?

A: Oh, ________________________________________________.(3) Ill let Jim know it. By the way, ______________________________________________?(4)

B: Oh. My phone number is 6877242.

A: 6877242, right?

B: Yes, thats right. Thanks a lot.

A: _____________________________________________________________ .(5)


A: _____________________________________________________ .(1)

B: Good afternoon. ________________________________________, (2) young lady?

A: I feel very weak. I cant do any work, doctor.

B: ________________________________________________________________ ? (3)

A: No, I dont have a headache.

B: ________________________________________________________________ ? (4)

A: Yes, I sleep very well at night.

B: ________________________________________________________________ ? (5)

A: No, I dont have breakfast this morning. And I have only a little food for lunch and supper because I want to keep thin.

B: Oh, I see. Theres nothing much serious. You need to more food and have three meals a day. And do some exercise every day. Then youll get better soon.


A: Good morning, Doctor.

B: Good morning, my boy! ___________________________________________? (1)

A: Ive got a headache and a cough. Im sure theres something wrong with me.

B: _______________________________________________________________? (2)

A: Im feeling even worse now.

B: __________________________________________________. (3) Oh, its a bit high. Im afraid youve got a cold. How long have you been like this?

A: Even since last night. Is it serious, doctor?

B: No. _________________________________________. (4) Did you eat anything for breakfast this morning?

A: No, I didnt feel like eating anything. What should I do, doctor?

B: Well, dont worry about it. Take the medicine three times a day. Stay in bed to have a good rest and drink more water. Youll get well soon.

A: __________________________________________________, (5) doctor. Goodbye.

B: Thats all right. Goodbye.


A:Excuseme. ______________________________________________________(1) ?

B: Certainly. Go along this street and turn left at the first crossing. The museum is next to the post office.

A: ________________________________________________________________(2) ?

B: Its about thirty minutes walk.

A: I see. ___________________________________________________________(3) ?

B: Yes, you can. The No.9 bus will take you there.

A: By the way , _____________________________________________________ (4) ?

B: Over there. Look! The bus is coming.

A: Thank you very much.

B: ___________________________________________________(5) .


A: Good morning, madam. ____________________________________________? (1)

B: Id like a T-shirt for my son.

B: ________________________________________________________________? (2)

A: Size L. He is a tall boy. He loves cotton T-shirts.

__________________________________________________ ? (3) Its made in China.

B: OK. Let me have a look. ___________________________________________? (4)

A: 120 yuan. Its popular now.

B; But Im afraid its a little more expensive and I dont like the colour.

A: Do you like the black one? Its only 80 yuan.

B: Hmm, it looks nice. _______________________________________. (5) Thank you.

A: Youre welcome.


A: What are you going to do next weekend?

B: I have no idea. ___________________________________________________? (1)

A: I dont know. Do you want to do something with me?

B: Sure. ___________________________________________________________? (2)

A: How about going fishing on Saturday?

B: That sounds good. ________________________________________________? (3)

A: Lets meet at my house. My father has a boat. He can take us to the lake.

B: _______________________________________________________________? (4)

A: Lets leave at 5:30 in the morning. Fishing is good at that time.

B: So early? _______________________________________________________? (5)

A: Well, no problem. What about 6:00 ?

B: OK. Ill get to your house at 5:50. See you tomorrow.

A: See you tomorrow.


A: Hi, Mary. Are you going to visit Beihai Park tomorrow?

B: Yes. Well start at 7:50. ____________________________________________ ? (1)

A: Id love to. But do you think its going to rain tomorrow?

B: _________________________________________________. (2) Look, there isnt any cloud in the sky.

A: I hope it will be fine tomorrow. ______________________________________ ? (3)

B: Not far. Itll take us half an hour. Its only 5 bus stops.

A: You mean well go there by bus, is that right?

B: Yes. ____________________________________________________________. (4)

A: But Id like to go there by bike. At that time the streets are very busy. Buses cant go faster than bikes.

B: I agree with you. Going by bike can save both time and money.

A: Yes. __________________________________________________________ . (5)

B: OK. Goodbye.

A: Bye-bye.


A: Hi, Tom! Come in, please.

B: Hi! ____________________________________________________________? (1)

A: Im looking for information about Sydney on the Internet. Im going to Sydney for my holiday.

B: _______________________________________________________________ ? (2)

A: No, but my father has been there twice. He told me there were many places of interest there

B: _______________________________________________________________ ? (3)

A: Im leaving at 9 a.m on Friday, July.

B: _______________________________________________________________ ? (4)

A: I will go there by plane.

B: Have you ever flown in a plane?

A: _______________________________________________________________ . (5)

B: You must be excited when you fly in a plane.

A: Really, I cant for it.


A: Hi! Youve bought a new motorbike, havent you?

B: Yes, I have.

A: ______________________________________________________________ ? (1)

B: I bought it only yesterday. How do you like it?

A: Its nice except the colour.

B: ______________________________________________________________ ? (2)

A: I prefer red to white.

B: But I like white better.

A: By the way, ________________________________? (3) It must be very expensive.

B: Not very much . Its about two thousand yuan.

A: Really? It looks like a Japanese one.

B: _____________________________________________________________ ? (4)

A: Its made in Chongqing.

B: May I have a try?

A: ___________________________________________________ . (5)

B: Thank you.

A: Youre welcome.


A: Hello, Ann! May I ask you some questions?

B. Certainly.

A: _____________________________________________________________ ? (1)

B: I was born on May 18, 1990.

A: Where were you born?

B: I was born in England in a small town near London.

A: _____________________________________________________________? (2)

B: We lived there for about nine years. Then we moved to France.

A: ____________________________________________________________ ? (3)

B: Because my father found work there.

A: ____________________________________________________________ ? (4)

B: We came to China two years ago.

A: Do you enjoy living in China?

B: ____________________________________________. (5)Very much.


A: ____________________________________________________________ ? (1)

B: Im from.

C: Dont tell him, Bruce. Let him guess.

A: Well, you are from Australia, arent you?

B: Yes. _________________________________________________________? (2)

A: The way you speak. Bruce, you came here at a bad time of year, Im afraid.

B:_____________________________________________________________? (3)

C: Because its winter now. The weather here is very cold, isnt it?

B: Yes. Its very different from Australia at this time of year.

A: Really? _____________________________________________________? (4)

B: Its hot. Its summer now!

C: Hmm, thats interesting.

B: Would you like to go there?

C: Yes, ________________________________________ . (5)


补全对话(一)1. Speaking. / This is David speaking. 2. Nothing much. 3. How can we get there? 4. When shall we meet? 5. Where shall we meet?

补全对话 (二) 1. May / Can / Could I speak to Jim, please? 2. he isnt in. 3. Im sorry to hear that. 4. Whats your phone number? 5. Youre welcome.

补全对话(三)1. Good afternoon. 2. What the trouble / Whats the matter / Whats wrong 3. Do you have a headache? 4. Do you sleep well at night? 5. Do you have breakfast this morning?

补全对话(四)1. What the trouble with you? / Whats the matter with you? / Whats wrong with you? 2. How are you feeling now? 3. Let me take your temperature. 4. Nothing serious. 5. Thank you very much

补全对话(五)1.Can / Could you tell me the way to the museum? ( Can / Could you tell me how I can get to the museum? Can / Could you tell me where the museum is ? ) 2.How long will it take me to get there ? 3.Can I take a bus ? / Can I go / get there by bus ? 4.Where is the bus stop ? 5.Youre welcome.

补全对话(六)1. Can I help you ? / What can I do for you? 2. What size does your son wear? 3. How / What about this one? 4. How much is it? 5. Ill take it.

补全对话(七)1. What about you? 2. What are you going to do? 3. Where are we going to meet? 4. What time / When shall we leave? 5. Can we make it a little later?

补全对话(八)1.Would you like to go with us? 2. I dont think so. 3. How far is Beihai Park from here? 4. Thats right. 5. Lets go by bike.

补全对话(九)1. What are you doing now? 2. Have you ever been to Sydney before? 3. When are you leaving? 4. How will you go there? 5. No, never. / No, I havent. / Not yet.

补全对话(十) 1. When did you buy it? 2. What colour do you prefer / like? 3. how much is it? 4. Where is it made? 5. Sure. / Certainly. / Of course.

补全对话(十一)1. When were you born? 2. How long did you live there? 3. Why did you move there? 4. When did you come to China? 5. Yes, we do.

补全对话(十二)1. Where are you from? 2. How did you guess? 3. Why do you say so? 4. Whats the weather like in Australia now? 5. Id like to.




1. 情景会话能力;

2. 逻辑思维能力;



1. 通读对话全文,摸清对话发生的地点、时间,人物的身份,对话的内容。

2. 理清上下句的逻辑关系,使你填入的话和整篇对话文理通顺,融为一体;

3. 符合说英语国家人的习惯,不要按中国人的习惯去应答。

4. 注意空白处的标点。是问号就应填问句;是句号,就应填陈述句。

【中考范例】 请看2004年陕西省中考试题:

VI. 补全对话(共10空,每空1.5分,计15分)



A: Good afternoon, John!

B: 1______________, Li Wei.

A: I hear you are going to Kunming for a winter holiday.

B: Yes, Ill go next week.

A: 2____________________________?

B: Its neither too cold nor too hot. Its warm there.

A: 3____________________________________.

B: Thank you.

【解析】这段对话发生在John和Li Wei之间。Li Wei 向John问下午好,按照说英语国家人的习惯,John也应该回答下午好,所以第1个空应填:Good afternoon。第二个空的下一句是回答昆明地天气情况,因此我们可以推断,第2个空应该是询问昆明的天气,应填:Whats the weather like in Kunming? / How is the weather there? 从第3个空的答语Thank you,我们可以推断对方一定是说了祝愿的话。所以这个空可以填:Have a good time./ Have a good journey./ Im sure you will have a good time.

A: Hi, Peter! How are you today?

B: 4__________________________________. And you?

A: Im OK. Are you free tomorrow?

B: 5__________________________________?

A: Were going to the park. 6____________________?

B: Of course. Id like to go with you. 7___________________?

A: We are going to meet at the school gate at one oclock. Please be there on time.

B: OK. Thank you.

【解析】这段对话写的是两个熟人见面互相问候并相约去公园的事。第4个空应该是回答对方的问话How are you today?的答语,所以应是:Fine, (Im fine.) thank you. 第5个空紧接问句Are you free tomorrow? 根据整个谈话的内容判断:应回答Yes, why?/ Yes, whats up? 第6个空是个问句,因为句末是问号,其答语是:Of course. Id like to go with you. 由此我们判断,对方是在邀请和他一起到公园去,因此,此空应填:Would you like to go with us?/ Will you go with us? 第7个空又是一个问句,其答语是:We are going to meet at the school gate at one oclock. Please be there on time. 由此我们判断对方问的是见面的时间和地点,所以应填:When and where are we going to meet?/ When and where shall we meet?


A: Dad. I cant find my socks. 8__________________?

B: Let me see. Are they white?

A: Yes. 9______________________?

B: I saw them in our sitting-room just now. You may go and get them.

A: Oh! Here they are!

B: You should put your things away.

A: 10____________________________________.

【解析】这是父子(女)之间的一段谈话。谈话的内容地找东西。第8个空是个问句,而且空前的句子是Dad. I cant find my socks. 由此,我们判断:儿子(女儿)是想问父亲见到没有,英语应该是:Have you seen them? 当父亲问他是不是白色的时候,他回答Yes. 既然父亲知道是白色的,那就肯定见到过,因此第9个空应填儿子(女儿)的问话:你在什麽地方见到的?英语就是:Where did you see them?/ Where are they? 第10个空的前面一句是父亲教训他的话,那末紧接着他应该表示接受。英语就是:Yes, I will./ OK, I will. / OK, I wont do that again.


(1)1. How many times have you read it?

2. Who wrote it?/ Who is the writer?

3. So do I ./ Me, too.

4. Its exciting / wonderful / great.

5. Is it far from here?

(2)1. Shall we have something to eat?/ Lets have something to eat, shall we?/ How about having something to eat?

2. if / whether there is a restaurant near here?

3. How far is it from here?

4. What kind music do you like?

5. Would you like to try?

(3)1. Do you like cooking?

2. Why do you have to cook this evening?

3. Who cooks every day in your family?

4. What will cook this evening?

5. Enjoy your noodles!

(4)1. Could I speak to Bruce, please?

2. Hes not in at the moment.

3. Im not sure he would give me one or two.

4. Has he got your telephone number?

5. My telephone number has changed.

(5)1. Where is it? / How can I get to it?

2. How far is it (from here)?

3. Which bus should I take?

4. How long does it take me to get there?

5. Thank you very much.

(6)1. May I speak to Ann, please?

2. Whos that (speaking)?

3. Can I take a message?

4. we are going to plant trees.

5. Please tell her to be there on time.

(7)1. We have (There are) many different kinds of washing machines here.

2. Where is it made?

3. Can you show me how to use it?

4. I cant afford it.

5. Ill take it.

(8)1. Nice to see you, too.

2. I went to

3. I stayed at home all the time.



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