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发布时间:2015-04-06 17:23:22来源:查字典-中考网


1-4 CACB


5-6 BA 7-8 AC 9-10 BA 11-13 ACC 14-16 BCC


17. schoolbag 18. black 19. 2 20. spring 21. kite

四、选择填空 (共13分,每小题1分)

22-26DCBBD 27-31 ACCAB 32-34 ACD

五、完形填空 (共12分,每小题1分)

35-40 CBDADC 41-46BDACAB


47-49 ABC 50-52 BCB 53-55 DDC 56-59 CDAB


60-63 DCBE

八、阅读与表达 (共10分,每小题2分)

64. Swimming.

65. In 1970.

66. 4 (times).

67. Travelling the world as a reporter, writing books and giving public speeches about her life.

68. I learned that once we set a goal, we should try hard to achieve it.

/We should never stop trying new things and we may achieve success in different fields.

九、完成句子 (共10分,每小题2分)

69. Its time to

70. had better not

71. as important as

72. its important not to give up

73. are so afraid of making mistakes( being wrong ) that they cannot

十、文段表达 (共15分)

A possible version:

I understand you . Everyone need parents love. But when they leave the world, we must learn to take care of ourselves and face the difficulties bravely.

So please stop crying and try your best to study harder to get a better future. Besides, you should take good care of your sister and help her live a happy life. Whats more, its useful to talk about your problems with the people around you. And my parents and I can also help you.

I think its important for you to be strong and brave. I believe you will be better soon.

评 分 标 准


完全符合题目要求,观点正确, 要点齐全。句式多样,词汇丰富。语言准确,语意连贯,表达清楚,具有逻辑性。


基本符合题目要求,观点正确, 要点齐全。语法结构和词汇基本满足文章需要。语言基本通顺,语意基本连贯,表达基本清楚。虽然有少量语言错误,但不影响整体理解。







Number1 W: How do you go to the school every day?

M: By bike.

Number2 W: What will you play at the party ?

M: I will play the piano.

Number3 W: Whats the matter with you?

M: I feel terrible. I have a headache.

Number4 W: What is Lingling doing? Is she doing her homework?

M: No, she is watching TV in the living room.



W: Hello, Mark. Where are you going for the winter holiday?

M: Im going to Hong Kong. How about you, Jenny?

W: I am going to Beijing.

M: How are you going there?

W: By plane.

M: Have a good time

W: The same to you.


M: hi , Mary , would you come to my birthday party tomorrow?

W: Sure, Id love to. When will the party start?

M: It will start at ten in the morning.

W: Where will the party be?

M: Ill have it in my house.

W: Have you invited other friends?

M: Yes. Ive invited Jack, Frank, Alice and you.

W: Oh. Thank you for inviting me. See you tomorrow.

M: See you.


M: Have you made much progress with your Chinese, mom?

W: I think Ive achieved a lot because Ive practiced it every day. My level is better than it was last year, even though I havent been to classes. But my handwriting still isnt very good. Ive still got some work to do on that. And I still find reading Chinese quite difficult.

M: Do you think you have to be really bright to be good at a foreign language?

W: No, I dont, but whatever you do, you have to make an effort. I think Chinese is simpler than English, anyway.

M: I wish I spoke Chinese like you do.

W: I think your Chinese is quite good. Im really proud of you.


W:Hi,Tony.Whats up?

M:Oh,hi.Not much.Oh,except we have new neighbors.

W:Really? Whatre they like?

M:Well,it was quite funny really.The son was in the garden,so I went to introduce myself and talked to him over the fence.He seemed really nice and seemed interested in being my friend.He asked me lots of questions-you know the kind:Whats your name,how old are you,that kind of thing.

W:So,whats so funny about that?

M:Well,he went back into his house and I continued playing basketball.Then he came out again and asked me all the same questions again!

W:Thats strange.What did you say?

M:Well,I was polite and just answered him all over again.But it was like I talked to two different boys! I thought there was only one but then I saw them both in the garden together a few days later.And they look the same!

W:Can you tell who is who?

M:No,not at all! I cant see any differences.


Good evening! Ladies and Gentlemen! What do you consider most when we eat in a restaurant. I believe, one of the most important things in a restaurant, of course, is the menu. Why? Because People want to have things that they dont eat or cook at home. We change the menu every week, adding one or two new dishes so that people will want to keep coming back to try our new food. Our menu is really interesting and nice, you can find healthy and delicious food all at good prices. As well, you will be interested in another thing we do ,that you dont find in lots of restaurants is give out free samples, if people arent sure what to order or cant decide whether to try the new food or not , this way, they can taste a little bit of a new dish to see if they would like to order it. People love this idea.


Hello! Everyone. Its time for us to do the guessing game. Ill describe the objects. You should take some notes on your paper, then guess what they are. OK, lets start.

The first object is very useful for you. Its full of books and pens. You go to school with it every day. The color? Yes, this one is orange. I like this color. Can you guess what it is? Yes , its a schoolbag. Object 2 is very useful when you work on the computer. Its usually black. Maybe its made of plastic. I am not sure about it. What does it look like? It looks like a mouse. Do you know what it is? Yes , its a mouse. The third one is usually in bright colors. Its usually made of 2 kinds of materials--paper and wood. It cant play without wind. People usually fly it in spring. It can fly very high like a bird. I think its easy for you to get the answer. Yes, its a kite.

Thats all. Lets check again together. The first one is a schoolbag, the second one is a mouse and the third one is a kite. Good job.


1-4 CACB


5-6 BA 7-8 AC 9-10 BA 11-13 ACC 14-16 BCC


17. schoolbag 18. black 19. 2 20. spring 21. kite

四、选择填空 (共13分,每小题1分)

22-26DCBBD 27-31 ACCAB 32-34 ACD

五、完形填空 (共12分,每小题1分)

35-40 CBDADC 41-46BDACAB


47-49 ABC 50-52 BCB 53-55 DDC 56-59 CDAB


60-63 DCBE

八、阅读与表达 (共10分,每小题2分)

64. Swimming.

65. In 1970.

66. 4 (times).

67. Travelling the world as a reporter, writing books and giving public speeches about her life.

68. I learned that once we set a goal, we should try hard to achieve it.

/We should never stop trying new things and we may achieve success in different fields.

九、完成句子 (共10分,每小题2分)

69. Its time to

70. had better not

71. as important as

72. its important not to give up

73. are so afraid of making mistakes( being wrong ) that they cannot

十、文段表达 (共15分)

A possible version:

I understand you . Everyone need parents love. But when they leave the world, we must learn to take care of ourselves and face the difficulties bravely.

So please stop crying and try your best to study harder to get a better future. Besides, you should take good care of your sister and help her live a happy life. Whats more, its useful to talk about your problems with the people around you. And my parents and I can also help you.

I think its important for you to be strong and brave. I believe you will be better soon.

评 分 标 准


完全符合题目要求,观点正确, 要点齐全。句式多样,词汇丰富。语言准确,语意连贯,表达清楚,具有逻辑性。


基本符合题目要求,观点正确, 要点齐全。语法结构和词汇基本满足文章需要。语言基本通顺,语意基本连贯,表达基本清楚。虽然有少量语言错误,但不影响整体理解。







Number1 W: How do you go to the school every day?

M: By bike.

Number2 W: What will you play at the party ?

M: I will play the piano.

Number3 W: Whats the matter with you?

M: I feel terrible. I have a headache.

Number4 W: What is Lingling doing? Is she doing her homework?

M: No, she is watching TV in the living room.



W: Hello, Mark. Where are you going for the winter holiday?

M: Im going to Hong Kong. How about you, Jenny?

W: I am going to Beijing.

M: How are you going there?

W: By plane.

M: Have a good time

W: The same to you.


M: hi , Mary , would you come to my birthday party tomorrow?

W: Sure, Id love to. When will the party start?

M: It will start at ten in the morning.

W: Where will the party be?

M: Ill have it in my house.

W: Have you invited other friends?

M: Yes. Ive invited Jack, Frank, Alice and you.

W: Oh. Thank you for inviting me. See you tomorrow.

M: See you.


M: Have you made much progress with your Chinese, mom?

W: I think Ive achieved a lot because Ive practiced it every day. My level is better than it was last year, even though I havent been to classes. But my handwriting still isnt very good. Ive still got some work to do on that. And I still find reading Chinese quite difficult.

M: Do you think you have to be really bright to be good at a foreign language?

W: No, I dont, but whatever you do, you have to make an effort. I think Chinese is simpler than English, anyway.

M: I wish I spoke Chinese like you do.

W: I think your Chinese is quite good. Im really proud of you.


W:Hi,Tony.Whats up?

M:Oh,hi.Not much.Oh,except we have new neighbors.

W:Really? Whatre they like?

M:Well,it was quite funny really.The son was in the garden,so I went to introduce myself and talked to him over the fence.He seemed really nice and seemed interested in being my friend.He asked me lots of questions-you know the kind:Whats your name,how old are you,that kind of thing.

W:So,whats so funny about that?

M:Well,he went back into his house and I continued playing basketball.Then he came out again and asked me all the same questions again!

W:Thats strange.What did you say?

M:Well,I was polite and just answered him all over again.But it was like I talked to two different boys! I thought there was only one but then I saw them both in the garden together a few days later.And they look the same!

W:Can you tell who is who?

M:No,not at all! I cant see any differences.


Good evening! Ladies and Gentlemen! What do you consider most when we eat in a restaurant. I believe, one of the most important things in a restaurant, of course, is the menu. Why? Because People want to have things that they dont eat or cook at home. We change the menu every week, adding one or two new dishes so that people will want to keep coming back to try our new food. Our menu is really interesting and nice, you can find healthy and delicious food all at good prices. As well, you will be interested in another thing we do ,that you dont find in lots of restaurants is give out free samples, if people arent sure what to order or cant decide whether to try the new food or not , this way, they can taste a little bit of a new dish to see if they would like to order it. People love this idea.


Hello! Everyone. Its time for us to do the guessing game. Ill describe the objects. You should take some notes on your paper, then guess what they are. OK, lets start.

The first object is very useful for you. Its full of books and pens. You go to school with it every day. The color? Yes, this one is orange. I like this color. Can you guess what it is? Yes , its a schoolbag. Object 2 is very useful when you work on the computer. Its usually black. Maybe its made of plastic. I am not sure about it. What does it look like? It looks like a mouse. Do you know what it is? Yes , its a mouse. The third one is usually in bright colors. Its usually made of 2 kinds of materials--paper and wood. It cant play without wind. People usually fly it in spring. It can fly very high like a bird. I think its easy for you to get the answer. Yes, its a kite.

Thats all. Lets check again together. The first one is a schoolbag, the second one is a mouse and the third one is a kite. Good job.

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