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发布时间:2013-03-15 11:07:16来源:查字典-中考网





1. 询问某种偏好。

例题模式:What / Which + n.?

真题重现:I have noodles for breakfast. What do you usually have for breakfast? (2011年)

I know you bought a new bag. What color is it? (2010年)

I like chemistry very much. What subject do you like best? (2009年)

答案: 依据句子的名词范围选择适当的答语。

注意: We are going to Johns party tonight. What will you wear? (2010年)

My T-shirt.


2. 询问动作频度。

例题模式:How often + 动作?

真题重现:I like watching TV. How often do you watch TV? (2011年)

I play sports twice a week. How often do you have sports? (2009年)

答案: ①多久多少次,如once a week、twice a month.


注意: 听清楚题目问的情景,合理回答问题,尽量避免回答诸如never等的绝对化


3. 表达同情和遗憾。

例题模式:出现如hurt、have a (bad) headache、have a (bad) toothache、get sick、have a

(high) fever、pain、lost、fail、have a (bad) cold、cough、gone、break等。

真题重现:Oh no! I hurt myself in the running race. (2011年)

Gosh, I lost my watch on my way to school this morning. (2009年)

答案: I am sorry to hear that.

注意: I heard that your mum got sick last week. How does she feel now?

Much better.


4. 问路用语。

例题模式:Excuse me, could / would / can you tell me the way to / where is?

真题重现:Excuse me. Would you please tell me where the library is? (2011年)

Excuse me, where is the nearest hospital here? (2010年)

Excuse me, where is yours school library? (2009年)

答案: Over there.

5. 建议类。

例题模式:What / How about doing sth?

Why not / dont you do sth.?

Lets do sth.

真题重现:Well have a singing competition this weekend. How about coming with us?


We are going out for a drink. Why not join us? (2010年)

You looked tired, why dont you rest for a while? (2009年)

答案: Good idea. / Id love to.

注意: I get up the earliest in my family. What about your family? (2010年)

I get up the earliest too.

Our English teacher is very nice. What about yours? (2009年)

She is nice too.

只有在what about 后加doing时才答Good idea.如果what about后加名词,


6. 询问方式方法。

例题模式:How do you +动作?

真题重现:I usually ride to school. How do you go to school every day? (2011年)

Im going to the Tianhe Book Centre. Can you tell me how to get there?


Usually my mother drives me to school. How do you go to school? (2009年)

答案: On foot./ By bus.

注意: 问路情景中对方询问到达目的地的方式方法也可以用此类答案解决。

Excuse me. How can I go to the shopping center from here? (2011年)


7. 询问地点。

例题模式:条件+Where + 动作?

真题重现:I have lunch at school. Where do you usually eat lunch? (2011年)

I like your new shoes. Where did you get them? (2010年)

I like your school bag. Where can I get one? (2009年)



语,诸如:excuse me或者could you tell me等话语。

Im thinking about having a holiday. Where should I go? (2010年)

(Go to) Beijing.

If you travel abroad, where will you go? (2010年)



8. 询问某种特定条件下的行为。

例题模式:What do you do +条件?

真题重现:I usually listen to some music before going to bed. What do you usually do before

going to bed? (2011年)

What do you usually do in your free time? (2010年)


9. 询问时间。

例题模式:When / What time + 动作?

真题重现:I like music. When do you usually listen to music? (2011年)

I always get up early in the morning. What time do you usually wake up?


答案:介词 + 时间。

10. 表达祝贺。

例题模式:出现如come first、pass、win、the first prize、beat、

真题重现:Guess what! I came first in the long jump. (2011年)

You know what? I won the first prize in the writing competition. (2010年)

Great, I passed the most difficult physics exam. (2009年)

答案:Congratulations. / Well done.



11. 回应感谢。

例题模式:Thank(s) (you) for doing sth.

真题重现:Thank you so much for telling me the good news. (2010年)

答案:Youre welcome.

12. 询问时间长度、价格和数量。

例题模式:How long. / How much (time)/How many ..

真题重现:I often stay up late. How many hours do you sleep? (2010年)

Lunch is too expensive in my school. How much do you spend for your lunch? (2010年)

It takes me 15 minutes to get to school. How long does it take you? (2009年)

I spent a lot of time doing my homework. How much time do you need for

yours? (2009年)

My class is very big. How many students are there in your class? (2009年)

This CD sounds very nice. How much did it cost you? (2009年)

答案:时间段 + 时间单位 / 数量 / 金钱 + 价格单位。



13. 回应请求和帮助。

例题模式:Could you do sth.?

真题重现:Excuse me, could you lend me your dictionary. (2009年)

答案: Sure.

14. 表达感谢。


真题重现:Welcome to Guangzhou. Enjoy your stay. (2010年)

Those bags look heavy. Let me carry one for you. (2010年)

Wow, you look great in that new shirt. (2010年)

Help yourself to some fruit, please. (2009年)

答案: Thank you.

15. 询问人物动作。

例题模式:What + 人物 + 动作?

真题重现:Im going to see a film this weekend. What are you going to do? (2010年)

答案: 根据题目所描述的情景回应合理的动作便可。

16. 回应对方观点态度。

例题模式:对方观点 + What do you think?

真题重现:Some students think maths is not easy to learn. What do you think? (2010年)

11. 回应感谢。

例题模式:Thank(s) (you) for doing sth.

真题重现:Thank you so much for telling me the good news. (2010年)

答案:Youre welcome.

12. 询问时间长度、价格和数量。

例题模式:How long. / How much (time)/How many ..

真题重现:I often stay up late. How many hours do you sleep? (2010年)

Lunch is too expensive in my school. How much do you spend for your lunch? (2010年)

It takes me 15 minutes to get to school. How long does it take you? (2009年)

I spent a lot of time doing my homework. How much time do you need for

yours? (2009年)

My class is very big. How many students are there in your class? (2009年)

This CD sounds very nice. How much did it cost you? (2009年)

答案:时间段 + 时间单位 / 数量 / 金钱 + 价格单位。



13. 回应请求和帮助。

例题模式:Could you do sth.?

真题重现:Excuse me, could you lend me your dictionary. (2009年)

答案: Sure.

14. 表达感谢。


真题重现:Welcome to Guangzhou. Enjoy your stay. (2010年)

Those bags look heavy. Let me carry one for you. (2010年)

Wow, you look great in that new shirt. (2010年)

Help yourself to some fruit, please. (2009年)

答案: Thank you.

15. 询问人物动作。

例题模式:What + 人物 + 动作?

真题重现:Im going to see a film this weekend. What are you going to do? (2010年)

答案: 根据题目所描述的情景回应合理的动作便可。

16. 回应对方观点态度。

例题模式:对方观点 + What do you think?

真题重现:Some students think maths is not easy to learn. What do you think? (2010年)

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