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发布时间:2013-03-15 15:23:31来源:查字典-中考网


1. What

1. What should a student do in class? (Listen to the teacher carefully.)

2. Today is May the 15th. Whats the date tomorrow? / What was the date yesterday? (It is May the 146th./ It was May the 14th.)

3. What is the capital of China? (Beijing.)

4. I like pandas/English/basketball best. Whats your favourtie animal/ subject/ sport? /What kind of animal/ subject/ sport do you like best?(Dogs./ English./ Basketball.)

5. What will you do if your pet is ill/ sick? (I will take it to the hospital/to see a vet.)

6. I often give my pet some meat to eat. What food will you give to your pet? (Meat./ Vegetables.)

7. I like talking to my friends/playing basketball/take a walk with my friends after school. What do you do after class/ school/ lunch? (I do some reading)

8. The weather is my hometown is warm all round the year. Whats the weather like in Guangzhou?/ How is the weather in Guangzhou? (It is very hot in summer and it is not cold in winter.)

9. When I was young, I wanted to be a singer. What do you want to be when you grow up? (I want to be a teacher.)

10. Many people think that money is the most important thing. `What do you think is the most important to you? (Study )

11. What kind of sport do you like best? What do you usually do after school?(Basketball/ Playing basketball)

12. You were late for class this morning. Whats the problem? (I have got a headache./ )

13. I like pop music best. What kind of music do you like? (I like pop music, too. / I like rock music)

14. You look tired. Whats the matter with you? (I didnt sleep well last night./ I have got a headache.)

15. Yesterday it was very cold, what about today?/ Whats the weather like today? (It is cold/ warm/ rainy/ windy.)

16. When you feel sad, what will you do to be happier? (I will sing/ dance/ play games.)

17. I want to be an actor in the future. What about you? (I want to be a teacher./ Me, too.)

18. My father/mother is a teacher. What is your father/ mother? What does your father/ mother do? (He/ she is a teacher./ )

19. You didnt go to school yesterday. What happened to you? (I didnt feel well./ I hurt my leg)

20. I often go to bed at about 9:30 pm. What time do you often go to bed? (At about 10:00./)

21. Do you have any plans for tonight? What about seeing a film with me? (Good idea./ Sure./Im afraid not./)

22. Our English teacher is very nice. What about yours? (He/She is very kind..)


2. Where

1. I was born in Beijing. Where were you born? (I was born in Guangzhou.)

2. My parents decided to travel to Hainan with me this summer vocation. Where would you like to go? (Id like to go to Guangzhou/Shenzhen./)

3. Excuse me, Where is the nearest supermarket?/ can you tell me where the nearest supermarket is?/ Which is the way to the nearest supermarket?(Go down this road, It is on your right.)

4. Tom is from England. Where are you from? (China.)

3. When

1. When were you born? (I was born on May the 16th, 1995)

2. When is your birthday? (My birthday is May the 16th.)

3. January 1st is New Years Day. When is Christmas Day? (December 25th.)

4. I usually get up at 7:00 in the morning. When do you usually get up in the morning? (At about 6:15a.m.)

4. Why

1. Well go boating this Sunday. Why not join us? (Thats a good idea!)

2. You look bored. Why dont we go shopping? (Thats a good idea!/ Ok, lets go.)

3. Why are you late for school? (Because my bike was broken./ )

5. Which

1. Which sport are you good at, basketball, football or tennis? (I am good at basketball./ )

2. Which countries have larger population than any other country in the world? (China)

3. Lets have a drink. Im going to have a hot coffee. Which would you prefer, milk or cola? (I prefer milk.)

6. How

1. Many people like having sports every day? How do you like having sport?/ What do you think of having sort every week? (It is good.)

2. Toms pet dog is very beautiful. How do you like your pet?/ What do you think of your pet? (Its very cute.)

3. The doctor said you had a bad cold yesterday. How are you feeling today?/ How are you today? (I am fine. Thanks/ Thank you.)

4. How do you feel if you are going to stay in a new city? (I will feel excited.)

5. When I was a student, I walked to school. How do you go to school every day? (I go to school on foot/ by bus)

6. Im going to the Tianhe Bookstore Centre. Can you tell me how to get there? (Sorry, I am new here too.)

7. I am 160cm. How tall are you?/ What is your height? (I am 162 cm.)

8. I am 60 kilos. How heavy are you?? What is your weight? (I am 55 kilos.)


7. How often

1. How often do you have a class meeting? (once a week.)

2. My teacher told us to have sports every day. How often do you have sports? (twice a week.)

3. Dont watch TV too much. How often do you watch TV? (everyday./ two times a week.)

4. I have been to Beijing once. How many times have you been there? (Never./ Once./ Twice.)

8. How many

1. There are ten players in a team in a basketball match. How many players are there in a team in a football match? (There are 22.)

2. We go to school five days a week. How many days do you go to school every week? (I go to school five days a week.)

3. How many P.E classes do you have every week? (I have 2 P.E. classes every week.)

4. How many seasons are there in a year? What are they? (There are 4 seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.)

5. How many months are there in a year? What are they? (There are 12 months in a year. They are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, .September, October, November and December.)

6. How many days are there in a week? What are they? (There are 7 days in a week. They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.)

7. Allan can speak five languages. How many languages can you speak? What are they? (Two, Chinese and English.)

9. How much

1. How much is the meat/ are the apples? (It is/ They are 15 yuan.)

2. How much meat do you like? (Two kilos, please.)

10. How far

Oh, dear. You are late again. How far is it from your home to the school? (It is ten-minutes walk./ It is 2 kilometers away.)

11. How long

1. Your English is very good. How long have you studied English? (I have studied English for 6 years.)

2. How long have you been a middle school student? (for three years.)

12.How soon

I heard that you were going to Shanghai. How soon will you be back? (In two weeks.)


I like Michael Jackson very much. Who is your favorite pop singer? (Jay Chou )


回答为:Thats a good idea.的有以下类型:

1. Lets go to the theatre tonight.

2. The weather is so nice. Shall we go out for a walk?

3. Jack asks, Why dont we go and playing basketball now? What will you say if you want to?



1. Your friend says Happy Birthday to you./ Here is your birthday present. (Thanks!/Thank you!)

2. I heard that you won the competition (again). Congratulations! (Thank you.)

3. You have done a very good job. (Thank you very much.)

4. Please help yourself to some drink. (Thank you) (Thanks, but Im full)

5. Would you like some orange juice? (Yes, Id love to./ No, thanks.)

6. Thank you for helping me so much/ with my English project. (Youre welcome./ Its my pleasure.)

7. Thank you for helping me so much! (Its my pleasure.)


1. Im going for a spoken English competition/ exam/ test tomorrow morning. (Good luck.)

2. I will take part in a match/ competition/ exam/ test next week. (Good luck.)

3. Today is my birthday/ Lilys birthday./ What should you say to your friend on his birthday? (Happy Birthday!)


1. You lost my MP3 players./ I failed the exam again. (I am sorry to hear that.)

2. Excuse me, sir. Smoking is not allowed here. (Sorry. I wont do that again.)

3. If you are late for school, what will you say to your teacher?(Sorry, I am late.)

4. Sorry, I forgot to bring the book. (Never mind. / It doesnt matter.)

5. Oh, I am sorry. I took your umbrella by mistake. (It doesnt matter.)

6. I am sorry. I broke a glass just now. (It doesnt matter)

7. Lily was ill yesterday./ Lilys foot hurt yesterday./ I am sick today. (I am sorry to hear that.)


1. Have you got a mobile phone?/ Do you have a mobile phone?(Yes, I have./ No, I havent// Yes, I do./ No, I dont.)

2. If your friend doesnt feel well, what would you say to him/her?(Whats the matter?/Whats wrong?)

3. Your classmate thinks that Sichuan food is better than Cantonese food. What is your opinion?(I agree./ I dont agree. In my opinion, Cantonese food is better.)

4. (I think) Eating more vegetables is good for our health.(I agree./ I dont agree.)

5. Your teacher tells you to do more exercise, doesnt she? (Yes, she does.)

6. Im so worried about tomorrows English exam. (Relax. You are the best./ Take it easy.)

7. Do you mind my opening the window? (Certainly not.)



参考:We held a sports meeting last Friday in our school playground. Many students took part in it. I like running very much so I took part in the 100-metre race. And I did a good job. The students watched the matches excitedly. I felt proud of myself and I loved sport meeting.


1. Your friend says Happy Birthday to you./ Here is your birthday present. (Thanks!/Thank you!)

2. I heard that you won the competition (again). Congratulations! (Thank you.)

3. You have done a very good job. (Thank you very much.)

4. Please help yourself to some drink. (Thank you) (Thanks, but Im full)

5. Would you like some orange juice? (Yes, Id love to./ No, thanks.)

6. Thank you for helping me so much/ with my English project. (Youre welcome./ Its my pleasure.)

7. Thank you for helping me so much! (Its my pleasure.)


1. Im going for a spoken English competition/ exam/ test tomorrow morning. (Good luck.)

2. I will take part in a match/ competition/ exam/ test next week. (Good luck.)

3. Today is my birthday/ Lilys birthday./ What should you say to your friend on his birthday? (Happy Birthday!)


1. You lost my MP3 players./ I failed the exam again. (I am sorry to hear that.)

2. Excuse me, sir. Smoking is not allowed here. (Sorry. I wont do that again.)

3. If you are late for school, what will you say to your teacher?(Sorry, I am late.)

4. Sorry, I forgot to bring the book. (Never mind. / It doesnt matter.)

5. Oh, I am sorry. I took your umbrella by mistake. (It doesnt matter.)

6. I am sorry. I broke a glass just now. (It doesnt matter)

7. Lily was ill yesterday./ Lilys foot hurt yesterday./ I am sick today. (I am sorry to hear that.)


1. Have you got a mobile phone?/ Do you have a mobile phone?(Yes, I have./ No, I havent// Yes, I do./ No, I dont.)

2. If your friend doesnt feel well, what would you say to him/her?(Whats the matter?/Whats wrong?)

3. Your classmate thinks that Sichuan food is better than Cantonese food. What is your opinion?(I agree./ I dont agree. In my opinion, Cantonese food is better.)

4. (I think) Eating more vegetables is good for our health.(I agree./ I dont agree.)

5. Your teacher tells you to do more exercise, doesnt she? (Yes, she does.)

6. Im so worried about tomorrows English exam. (Relax. You are the best./ Take it easy.)

7. Do you mind my opening the window? (Certainly not.)



参考:We held a sports meeting last Friday in our school playground. Many students took part in it. I like running very much so I took part in the 100-metre race. And I did a good job. The students watched the matches excitedly. I felt proud of myself and I loved sport meeting.

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