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发布时间:2009-11-24 10:56:23来源:查字典-中考网


A. vi.想,思考

Give me some time to think. He told us to try to think in English.

B. vt.认为;想

I never thought you could complete the work so soon.

I dont think I can get away now.

Where do you think we can get this book?

She isnt as slow as you think she is.

I think the book worth reading again.

This kind of computer is thought (to be) too hard to operate.

We all think her a good learner.

I thought it our duty to offer them some medical care.

I think it a great honor to speak here.


think about考虑

think of想到;想起;为着想;打算

This picture made us think of the days in the army.

He couldnt think of anything to say.

She is always thinking of others.

She is thinking of going downtown this afternoon.

What do you think of this movie?

think highly/well/a lot/ a great deal/much/poorly/ill/badly/little/nothing of对评价高/低

think of A as B认为A是B



think twice before要三思后再

just think想想看(表示惊讶)

Just think of the price!

wouldnt/couldnt think of绝不能考虑/想象(做这样的事)

I couldnt think of disturbing them at this our of night.

think hard沉思


A. vi.想,思考

Give me some time to think. He told us to try to think in English.

B. vt.认为;想

I never thought you could complete the work so soon.

I dont think I can get away now.

Where do you think we can get this book?

She isnt as slow as you think she is.

I think the book worth reading again.

This kind of computer is thought (to be) too hard to operate.

We all think her a good learner.

I thought it our duty to offer them some medical care.

I think it a great honor to speak here.


think about考虑

think of想到;想起;为着想;打算

This picture made us think of the days in the army.

He couldnt think of anything to say.

She is always thinking of others.

She is thinking of going downtown this afternoon.

What do you think of this movie?

think highly/well/a lot/ a great deal/much/poorly/ill/badly/little/nothing of对评价高/低

think of A as B认为A是B



think twice before要三思后再

just think想想看(表示惊讶)

Just think of the price!

wouldnt/couldnt think of绝不能考虑/想象(做这样的事)

I couldnt think of disturbing them at this our of night.

think hard沉思

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