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发布时间:2009-11-26 14:21:58来源:查字典-中考网

1.catch up with;get on with;be angry with;be fed up with

1)We must be able to the developed coun tries in the west in twenty years.

2)I'm talkin g to you.You never listen to me.

3)I myself for making such a stupid mistake.

4)How 's your son his French?

Just so-so.

2.hurry off;take off;fall off;set off

1)I'll the books the table so that w e have room to eat.

2)The villagers were before the reporter could have a chance to speak to them.

3)He for work an hour ago,hasn't he arrived?

4)When he is learning to ride a bicycle,he often .

3.work out;look out;find out

1)You'll catch cold if you don't .

2)The thief thoug ht to him self.I'll put the money back before anyone .

3)It didn 't take her long to the problem.

4.take part in ;be interested in

1)Sasha and Misha diving.

2)If you want knowledge,you must the practice of changing reality(现实).

5.make room for;make one's place

1)They were moved out to a nearly hotel to more important persons.

2)My brother is ill.And I've come to

6.a moment later;at the moment;after a while;in the end;in the future;at once

1)I know his address,but I can not think of it .

2)At first he complained a lot,but he understood it and had a smile.

3)Linda had some good news.She asks you to see her.

4)No one knows what will happen.

5)They sat down under a big tree,they heard there seem s to be something moving in the tree.



1.1)catch up with。赶上,可以用于指在学习方面,也可以指思想、行动等内容;2) fed up with。表示对厌倦;3)was angry with。用于指对某人发脾气,生气等;

4)getting on with用于表示与相处怎么样,相处融洽用get on well(with)。

2.1)take off。off有离开,脱离的意思,含off的短语一般都与此意有关。take off有拿走,脱下等意思;2)hurried off它有匆匆离去、离开的意思。3)set off表示出发,动身,起程;4)falls off。用于从掉下来。

3.1)look out。out的本义是向外,look out是向外看,作为祈使句意思是当心!注意!2)finds out。意指找出,查出;3)work out。表示计算出,制定出。

4.1)are interested in。in本义是在内,参与其中,因此,be interested in是对感兴趣;2)take part in。意思是参加,积极参加用take an active part in。

5.1)make room for。make本义是做,room这里是不可数名词,表示空间,词组意思是给腾地方;2)take his place。意思是占某人的位置或代替某人。

6.1)at the moment 2)in the end 3)at once 4)in the future 5)after a while

这几个短语都与时间有关。at the moment(此刻);in the end =at last;at once(立刻,马上);in the future(将来);after a while(一会儿以后)。

1.catch up with;get on with;be angry with;be fed up with

1)We must be able to the developed coun tries in the west in twenty years.

2)I'm talkin g to you.You never listen to me.

3)I myself for making such a stupid mistake.

4)How 's your son his French?

Just so-so.

2.hurry off;take off;fall off;set off

1)I'll the books the table so that w e have room to eat.

2)The villagers were before the reporter could have a chance to speak to them.

3)He for work an hour ago,hasn't he arrived?

4)When he is learning to ride a bicycle,he often .

3.work out;look out;find out

1)You'll catch cold if you don't .

2)The thief thoug ht to him self.I'll put the money back before anyone .

3)It didn 't take her long to the problem.

4.take part in ;be interested in

1)Sasha and Misha diving.

2)If you want knowledge,you must the practice of changing reality(现实).

5.make room for;make one's place

1)They were moved out to a nearly hotel to more important persons.

2)My brother is ill.And I've come to

6.a moment later;at the moment;after a while;in the end;in the future;at once

1)I know his address,but I can not think of it .

2)At first he complained a lot,but he understood it and had a smile.

3)Linda had some good news.She asks you to see her.

4)No one knows what will happen.

5)They sat down under a big tree,they heard there seem s to be something moving in the tree.



1.1)catch up with。赶上,可以用于指在学习方面,也可以指思想、行动等内容;2) fed up with。表示对厌倦;3)was angry with。用于指对某人发脾气,生气等;

4)getting on with用于表示与相处怎么样,相处融洽用get on well(with)。

2.1)take off。off有离开,脱离的意思,含off的短语一般都与此意有关。take off有拿走,脱下等意思;2)hurried off它有匆匆离去、离开的意思。3)set off表示出发,动身,起程;4)falls off。用于从掉下来。

3.1)look out。out的本义是向外,look out是向外看,作为祈使句意思是当心!注意!2)finds out。意指找出,查出;3)work out。表示计算出,制定出。

4.1)are interested in。in本义是在内,参与其中,因此,be interested in是对感兴趣;2)take part in。意思是参加,积极参加用take an active part in。

5.1)make room for。make本义是做,room这里是不可数名词,表示空间,词组意思是给腾地方;2)take his place。意思是占某人的位置或代替某人。

6.1)at the moment 2)in the end 3)at once 4)in the future 5)after a while

这几个短语都与时间有关。at the moment(此刻);in the end =at last;at once(立刻,马上);in the future(将来);after a while(一会儿以后)。

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